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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did anyone go to the Breaking Dawn release party last night? Did you have fun?

Question: Did anyone go to the Breaking Dawn release party last night!? Did you have fun!?
I went with my husband!. I went to "Chapters!." They had a few different contests, Twilight named drinks, a giant chest board display at the back of the store, music, and mask making!. They were also selling shirt buttons that said, "I got bitten at breaking dawn" but by the time I got around to them, they had been sold out!. I had more fun last year ant the Harry Potter release party but It was still fun!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I went to one at a Books A Million!. It was awesome! I won a costume contest for best fan wear and got a shirt (it said Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer, August 2nd on the front and It Will Take Your Breath Away on the back) and a button (it said, I Got Bitten By Breaking Dawn)!. They had face painting (they paled our faces out, gave us dark circles under our eyes, and gave us "bite marks" on our necks), picture opportunities, and trivia contests!. It was so fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went to the party at borders and it was sorta fun although I was # 116 in line to get the dang book!. >_<

The party had a character dress-up competition, edward/jacob debate, & trivia questions from the previous books in the series!. Oh and there was a lot of free stuff being passed around!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went!.!.!. I didn't like it!. I went around 11 PM because I didn't want to stay that long- I just wanted my book!. There were somet trivia and little games like making your "vampire mask" and "new moon, new makeover" areas!. And costume contests!. But I didnt care for any of that!.!.!.!.

And of course I wanted a I Got Bitten By Breaking Dawn button but the lady said they were only for Contest Participants but it wasn't!. I couldn't find any stickers, either!. I guess they sold out!.!.!. but some girl had like 6 of them!. Ugh, I got pissed but whatever!. I waited 35 mins!. for my book, which I was happy about! But- it wasn't that great and no food or special music!.!.!. and they needed more buttons/stickers!.

It was "whatever"!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!.!. they had awesome games!.!. one of them!.!. they put us in teams of 2-5 and gave us a bag, on the count of 3 we all opened them and tried to make and outfit out of it

there was 2 black garbage bags, a white one and a roll of toilet paper!.!.!.

my friend made a black and white layered babydoll dress (using the toilet paper roll to make a bow) and make me a little flower out of toilet paper that i put in my hair!.!.

but i didnt win

some girl who made a wedding dress (she had a veil and flowers and everything)

they gave out free manicures!.!. and everyone got books!.!. there was the red line and the white line!.!. the red line was first!.!. there was 563 people in it!.!. i was number 108!.!.!. (you had to call in before to get your number) (i called in the day before)

so everyone got there books!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went to Barnes and Noble and it was ok!. There wasn't any food or anything, and the games were limited to a few people! I don't think it was as good as Harry Potter, but the fans were just as crazy! :) haha i finished the book, it was really good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went to Barnes and Noble and OMG, I completly loved the expirience of getting the book athe hour it comes out!. I mean seriously me and my friend were histerical!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didnt go to a release party, I am so sick it's disgusting!.
but I did force my boyfriend to drive me to walmart to buy it, it's the last one! I had to get it at midnight, no matter what!

Iwas there for about 4 hours!. not including the line-time!. Not worth it!. Borders had a debate!. And they only asked 1 question!. 'Is Bella going to marry Edward!?' It was horrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com