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Question: Book- eclipse-third wife!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
in eclipse, when bella went to the bonefire party jacobs dad was telling a story about what a thord wife was!. what is it!? im confused!.
plz helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The third wife is Taha Aki's wife!. There was a blood drinker that came to thier village and Taha Aki finished him off, protecting his family!. But later, the vampire's mate came, to kill Taha Aki!. The mate was a girl vampire, obviously, and she killed the third wife's son, Taha Aki's son, and was about to kill Taha Aki himself!. The third wife knew she had to do something so she took a knife and stabbed herself before the vampire would kill her husband!. By doing this, the vampire was quickly attracted to the third wife's blood, and forgot all about the husband!. In this time period, Taha Aki, killed the vampire when it turned around and the end!.

Bella would seem like this because Edward killed James!. But then James mate, Victoria, came back to kill Edward/Bella!. During the fight, Bella thought Edward couldn't handle Victoria, so she decided to be like the third wife!. She took a rock and cut herself!. By doing this, she distracted Victoria, who turned to the sent of the blood, and that gave Edward the opportunity to kill her!.

Thats how they're similiar


the third wife was the one who stabbed herself to save everyone else!. when victoria was there with the new vampires bella thought about stabbing herself (just like the third wife) to attract the vampires so she could save everyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the third wife is very important for bella
bcz she sees herself in teh third wife
like what the third wife did
buts its very important for bella since she can see herself in herWww@QuestionHome@Com

the dude had three wives the 1st 2 died
they didnt remember her name so they adress her as the thrid wifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, your first wife is your first wife!. then if you're a polygamist you have two, then threeWww@QuestionHome@Com