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Question: Comments on my newest *unfinished* novel!?

I've been working on the idea for this novel for some time now, and on a recent trip to Europe I began writing it!. It is unfinished, but I was hoping some of you could read it, and tell me what you think! Comments, critiques, and questions are all welcome! Thank you so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a creative oringinality you have!. I haven't read any stories like, "Dead, not gone," ever!. It's filled with spiritual fanasty, and has a glow of futher success in ever word!.
The opening of chapter two was very sudden, and put me into a new setting, I think a little too quick!. Maybe think about revising, or more accuratlly adding a clearer opening!. I can't wait till your book is finished!. If you sell, I want to be the first in line to buy it!.
Excellent read!. Sword fighting, pirates, ghosts!. You have yourself a winner!. Now go for it!. Don't wait any longer to make this book a finished great!. I know you can do it!. Keep it up!.
You also inspired me to think of all things I could write if I just put my mind to the grind!. There are so many interesting subjects, that when mixed create award winning writing!. So thank you!.
Oh, and
I do hope you enjoyed your trip to Europe!. One of those places on my must vist list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com