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Question: Tell me a story about anything
tell me a story about a scary thing that happened to u in life, or find one and copy and paste it anyhting i want a good storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, I'm going to tell you what happened to me yesterday but, be warned, it's a terrifying tale!.

I went to the corner shop, like I always do, to get my Strawberry Mivvi and Weetabix!. First it was time for the black jacks, I always buy five!. They are five pence each which makes twenty five pence!. I like to chew on them as I am browsing for the ice lolly and the cereal!.

Well, I approached the counter but Mr Singh wasn't holding out the sweets for me to take with my outstretched cupped hand, as he usually did!. He was not smiling, he stared at me silently!. 'Don't you want my small change, Mr Singh!?' I stammered!. Silence!. Mr Singh merely stared!.

I felt disquiet!. I turned on my heel and walked purposefully down the aisle, determined to get my cereal and run!. I was deciding on what size box to get when I had the sensation that someone stood behind me!. Terror rose, gripped my very soul, I turned and, there was Mr Singh but in the place of his eyes there were two flashing red LCDs!. I screamed!. He was approaching me arms outstretched as if he would grab me by the throat and toss me in the air, breaking my neck!. My mind went into overdrive, cornered prey that I was!.

The black jacks fell from my hand!. I ran, I pushed past him and ran as fast as my legs would carry me!. I ran all the way home, burst into the kitchen where my peppy and mama were standing, looking out of the window with their backs to me!.

I blurted out what had happened!. I told them all, pressing back the sobs and gasping for air, about the black jacks, about the strawberry mivi that I never did get and about Mr Singh and his peculiar flashing LCD eyes!.

'What troubles you my child!?' said pepe pep and mamsy in a slow, mournful voice, in unison!. They turned to face me!. Their eyes were flashing red!.!.!.

And that's what happened to me yesterday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com