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Question: How does Bella and Edawrd have a child together!?
does meyer anywhere expain how she can become pregnant!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, it's in the book!.
Bella was still human when they went on the honeymoon, so her body still had hormones!. Her body was still able to get pregnant and change, unlike Rosalie's, Esme's, Alice's, etc!. Edward is something called in incubus (yeah, Stephenie Meyer just pulled that one out of a hat!. She could have mentioned that BEFORE the last book in the series), so his sperm still works on Bella!. Since her body can still change, sperm can still make her pregnant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well Meyer makes Edward an Incubus( a demon that rapes sleeping women) despite the fact that incubus don't make their own sperm but get it from succubus(female incubus) victims!.!. She says that because Edward was a serial rapist demon that kills women with sex he can still impregnate Bella!.

And thus the amazing plot hole child that is Nessie Cullen is formed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They get married and goes on a honeymoon!. They do have sex and Bella thinks she's pregnant!. Then the book goes to Jacov's POV!. Then It's back to Bella having her baby, the baby survives but Bella is dying so Edward bites her and she turns to a vamp! The baby is said to be REALLY pretty and is names Renesmee *Nessie*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a Twilight fan!.

I understand where everyone is coming from when they say it is an awfully written book!. And it isn't the greatest, I know!.

But, most people reading these books don't read a lot of books!. At least they cracked open a huge book and read it!. Compared to a teeny-bopper magazine I would rather have everyone reading Twilight!. No matter how awful!.

They hate towards SM isn't needed!. Calm down!. An opinion is one thing!. I liked it!. I didn't like it!. Why be mean like that!?

Do you personally know her!? Has she done something unforgivable to you, (minus the books)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

But thats just OK!. Cause she must be as good as JKR, so she doesn't need to explain herself to her fans!. She'll write what she wants, and her fans will buy her books!. Not question that she said it was impossible or anything!. Just pay her money!.

Edit: Oh!. I guess she does!. I don't really care though!.!.!.Still kind of upset!.
Edit#2: Hey!.!.!.who gave me a thumbs down!? SHOW YOURSELF! You hurt my feelings!.!.!.!. :'(Www@QuestionHome@Com

With psychedelic drugs, anything's possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They used invetro fertilization!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edaward's penish is magic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com