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Question: Question about Breaking Dawn!?
Why are so many people disappointed in Breaking Dawn!? What did you want to happen in the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This was my answer to a different question, but people on this question don't seem to grasp the idea of what imprinting is!.

There really isn't any pedophilia at alll!.

Jacob wasn't a pedophile, because he didn't make any moves on Renesmee!.
Don't you remember when Quil imprinted on Claire in Eclipse!?
Jacob himself said "It's not like that, you've got it all wrong!. I've seen what it's like, through his eyes!. There's nothing romantic about it at all, not for Quil, not now!. It's so hard to describe!. It's not like love at first sight, really!. It's more like!.!.!. gravity moves!. And nothing matters more than her!. And you would do anything for her, be anything to her!.!.!.!. You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother!."
"Quil will be the best, kindest big brother any kid ever had!. There isn't a toddler on the planet that will be more carefully looked after than that little girl will be!. And then, when she's older and needs a friend, he'll be more understanding, trustworthy, and reliable than anyone she knows!. And then, when she grows up, they'll be as happy as Emily and Sam!."

So you see, there really isn't anything at alll like that!.

And if you didn't like the "necrophilia" of it, then you shouldn't have read it in the first place, because firstly, you knew what was coming, and second, they shared kisses and hugs and everything!. In Eclipse, they even agreed to the terms!.

And besides, the "necrophilia" isn't a huge part of the book, actually, the most of the mature elements happen when Bella is a vampire!.

And if people don't like the name so much why don't you call the baby "Nessie"!?


Stephenie Meyer didn't write this book so you could judge it with a moral code, she wrote it for entertainment!. And if you didn't like the "sex scenes" just imagine how it would have been if she published Forever Dawn, the original sequel to Twilight, it would have been much more graphic!. On stepheniemeyer!.com, she says that Forever Dawn was too adult for her YA audience!.
And about getting married at a young age, young girls aren't going to get married just so that they could have a life like Bella, and even a guy like Bella's!. They aren't going to take marriage and life advice from a fictional book!.
And even in Twilight and the other books, Bella said that she was lucky to have found Edward and that it's unreal and too good to be true!. That was kind of the theme for Edward's "god-like" facade !.


OKay people just saying not trying to be rude in any way possible but, Stephenie Meyer HERSELF started off with a 3 book contract and she said that she couldn't get Bella and everybody else's lives down in just 3 books so the 4 book (Breaking Dawn) Is basically just telling you the most possible information and getting through with the series that is why it is rushed, because she already went over her 3 book contract and a 5th book!?!!? This lady has a life too y'know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate it because Jacob is a pedophile, the honeymoon was all about sex, they named their kid RENESMEE, and it was just written really poorly!. I wanted Edward and Bella to marry, then for Bella to become a vampire and have Breaking Dawn be about how she learned to control her blood-drinking urges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think everyone was surprised how the characters matured!. I was myself, but after thinking about it all day, and reading a pretty aggressive defense of SMeyer, I've decided to try Twilight again in a few years!. Until then, Twilight is dead to me!.
I think people were hoping for a resolution with Jake, that didn't include the Loch Ness Monster!. I wanted a fight with the Volturi, I wanted, not explicit, but A sex scene!. Maybe I'm to immature!. I don't know!. The aforementioned defense, can be found, by one of my favorite twilight fan-fiction authors:

I am seriously doubting the SM even wrote the book!. It was all toooo rushed and she entirely left out the feeling of love between Edward and Bella!. I felt more of that connection between Bell and Jacob during their dance at the wedding!. It had no emotion at all and I think she might have been too pressured by the publishers to finish it as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha oh my!. Another Breaking Dawn question!.
Apparently everyone hated the ending, mostly - then there were the people who hated the whole book in general!.
I, personally, enjoyed it!. It was interesting!. If they expected a happy fairytale ending, they can watch Enchanted!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not disaponted just not sure
1 have you read the book
2 the book has to be read to understand so if you didnt read it you wont understand our being upset
3 jake imprents on the wrong speices(literaly)
4 that the volturii come
5 that bella was about to let her baby go of with a warewolf

sorry for your disapointment

but i still really liked it
the cullens baby
liz marie (not renesmee)

lots of people told me to keep my reciept if i buy it!. is it really that bad!?!?!?!?
and bella not a vampire!?! NO that sucks!
and did i hear that the sex bits weren't that good either!?

and yep, i wanted bella to become a vampire and in the last few chapters i wanted to read about how bella copes at college and going hunting with edward!.!.!.!.!.

and i hoped jacob just fell outta the storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

What I wanted!? I wanted more action, less sex and more romance, I wanted Jacob to care more!. I wanted sacrifice from Bella(as Meyer pointed out in the previous books), I wanted Edward to understand more!. I needed more from the Volturi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably everything that didn't happen!.

they're just being all shmoooey they didn't get what the watned in a book that was obviously not going to be the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked more things about Breaking Dawn then I hated, but I was a little disappointed because it didn't exactly feel like a Twilight book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just think things happened too fast!. wedding, pregnant (1st 7 chap!.) and it just dosn't seem like the rest of the series!. and wuts up with jake and nessie!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it seems diaspointtingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bella doesn't become a vampire!? That's crap!Www@QuestionHome@Com