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Question: How did Bella turn into a Vampire!?
I like spoilers before reading, lol, sue me!.
How does she turn into a vampire if biting her might kill her and she could lose a lot of blood plus the fact that she's squeamish of blood, remember the first book, blood tests!.

This is about Breaking Dawn, I wanna be motivated to read it because some say it sucks!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are talking about the book that jsut got released yesterday I think
Bella and Edward get married so idk maybe thats how!.!. maybe during sex or w/e!.!. MAGIC!. Anything can happen

Bella marries Edward and then she gets preggo!. With her mom and dad blessings! What kind of world is this! I wouldn't be marrying someone at like 19 or 20Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella gets pregnant as a human!. she gives "birth" and almost dies, edward saves her by turning her into a vampire

the sex isn't described, it's just implied!. i don't understand why everyone says it's full of sex!. yeah, bella and edward have sex, but it's not explicitly described!. i've read better/worse (depending on how you look at it, ahaha!.)

She turns into one during childbirth!. Haha!. It's odd!. She actually drinks blood while she is human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you should write **SPOILERS in your question!.!.!.
you coulda ruined the book for other people!.!.like me lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's not during sex!. I was a little surprised by SMeyer's chapters on sex because she said it was going to be appropriate for younger kids and I don't think that is (nothing explicit, don't worry)!.

I won't go into the specifics so it's not a spoiler, but he does not bite her!. Technically, it doesn't break the treaty!. However, she does turn into a vampire!. She's 19 - they didn't use anything because they didn't think vampires could ever have children and it caught everyone by surprise!. It's all a little weird and half-baked, but she at least tries to cover her mistakes!.

I liked it overall, but it does contradict a lot of things and throws a lot of random things in there!. There are also about a million plot holes, but you'll probably enjoy reading it!. She tries to wrap everything up, even if it's a magnificent failboat for that!. It had its moments - you should read it anyway and not base your opinions on what other people have to say!. Everyone interprets books differently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com