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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone give me a little excerpt from Breaking dawn?? Not the first chapter

Question: Can someone give me a little excerpt from Breaking dawn!?!? Not the first chapter I've read it already!.
I ordered a copy from Amazon but I live in the uk and it's coming on the 6th or 7th *sigh*

I know some people would go 'oh just wait' which is great advice!.!.!.ahem, don't get me wrong but I have this thing about waiting and this thing about spoilers!. I'm trying to avoid looking at spoilers but like I said I have this problem with waiting!. AND THERE'S SO MUCH SPOILERS TO LOOK AT!. So I need an excerpt a tiny tiny excerpt to stop me going mad and reading another spoiler!.

That's right ANOTHER, I already fell of the wagon TWICE and found 2 GIGANTIC MOTHER OF SPOILERS and all but ruined the book for myself!. Give me something anything to hold on to because I'm seriously slipping!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
page 41

I glowered groggily out the windshield until we were almost to the house!.
"Is he back yet!?" I asked
"Dont worry, he'll be there before the music starts!. But you dont get to see him, no matter when he gets back!. We're doing this the traditional way!."
I snorted!. "Traditional!"
"Okay, aside from the bride and groom!."
"You know he's already peeked!."
"oh no--thats why I'm the only one who's seen you in the dress!. I've been very careful to not think about it when he's around!."
"Well," I said as we turned into the drive, "I see you got to ruse your graduation decorations!." Three miles of drive were once again wrapped in hundreds of thousands of twinkle lights!. This time, she'd added white satin bows!.
"Waste not, want not!. Enjoy this, because you dont get to see the inside decorations until its time!." She pulled into the cavernous garage north of the main house; Emmett's big Jeep was still gone!.
"Since when is the bride not allowed to see the drcorations!?" I protested!.
"Since she put me in charge!."


I hope I satisfied your Breaking Dawn craving!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i don't want to type it all, but i will give some spoilers!. bella gets knocked up by edward, but something goes wrong with the baby and jacob!. then the volutri interfere and they all almost die!. it's not really a good book, but the relationship is sooo strong between edward and bella!. and stephanie meyer describes them having sex basically!. it's quite discusting!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know that's just like me!. i have to wait for tomorrow sigh way too long for me!. basically just try to be hyped still no matter how much they spoil it!. 768 page book can't be summed up in one paragraph!. i'm weak with temptation too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she gets pregnant and becomes a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com