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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Would you state your profession as writer(when asked by people) even if you have

Question: Would you state your profession as writer(when asked by people) even if you have never been published before
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Only if I have a degree (is when I would consider myself a "writer" without publishing)!.

Wow, people are cranky today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I most certainly would!. I have been published in college newspapers and small town newspapers but never big time published!. I write business plans for a living and certainly qualify as a writer!.

If you have never worked as a writer or had anything published, you're not a professional writer, you're a hobby writer!. Any work done professionally such as technical writing, copy writing, published articles, etc make you a professional writer, not just sitting around writing for the heck of it!.


I certainly agree with the cranky part!. How rude!. I don't see how a legitimate response could possibly warrant a thumbs down!. All three are good answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My take is that you are a professional writer if you have gotten paid for your writing!. So not being published probably means you are not a professional!. However if your intent is to make your living by writing, you could state your job as writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com