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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any other Tamora Pierce books which mention daine?

Question: Are there any other Tamora Pierce books which mention daine!?
I just finished the Immortals Quartet by Tamora Pierce and i loved the main characters (Daine, Numair)!. It is definitely my favourite book of Tamora's but i kind of felt like it was unfinished!.
Are there any other books of Tamora's which mention Daine like Alanna is mentioned in the Immortals!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! I was confused for a minute!. Like, I remember reading a Tamora Pierce book with a girl whose magic was all animal-connected, but I always pronounced her name "Diane" in my head!. Whoa!.

I never read the books with Alanna, but I read all of the Immortals, and read these two books after it: Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen!. While Diane (No! Ah, I mean Daine!) is not a main character, she is in it!. I don't want to tell you exactly what happens with her, because you may want to read the book, but she might or might not be related to the main girl of the story (the relation is not the surprise; I honestly forgot!.)!. It's not just a mentioning of Diane, though!. Those last two books sum up her story, I think!. Read 'em! Have a blast!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes in Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen she is not the main character but she is mentioned!. They were good books!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think she's in protecter of the smallWww@QuestionHome@Com