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Question: Need help with a book called "The Crucible" (10 pts)
Alright, for my Summer Reading I had to read a book called, The Crucible!. I understand the story and everything, but for my notes it says that I have to right down who's the Protagonist and Antagonist!. With the way the story goes it's kind of hard to tell!. For those who have read it can you please tell me who they are!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would say that the protagonist is John Proctor, whereas the antagonist is Abigail Williams!. If you're having trouble after having read this, sometimes watching the film can be a good option if you're not able to see the play!. There is a particularly good film made for it that you may find helpful, I know I did when I was in school!. I think sometimes it's hard to draw everything you need from the text alone!.

See the following Internet Movie Database page: http://www!.imdb!.com/title/tt0115988/Www@QuestionHome@Com

The story is a simple one!. You'll see when you read just the summary at http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/The_Crucibl!.!.!.
!.!.!.and you'll spot both protagonist and antagonist in the list of characters there!.

If you're unsure what a protagonist and antagonist are, try:

A protagonist is the 'good guy,' the lead character in the piece!.
An antagonist is the 'bad guy,' the character that stirs up the most trouble!.
(^ those are my own quick definitions for you)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quite a twisting and complicated plot that!. Re-examine the many characters using the URL below for a reminder, and decide which you believe to be the principal character (Protagonist) who is the leader in the primary conflict!. John Proctor, Abigail Williams and Reverend Hale are certainly representative of the major issues of intolerance, reputation, empowerment, accusation and confession!.
I would say that Abigail Williams is the antagonist, while John Proctor is the protagonist!. However you may be able to make a case otherwise!.

I read this but I dont remember all the names!. I believe the protagonist was the one guy with the wife (John I think), and he goes to trial and admits to whatever he was accused of, even though it was a lie, so he would get off the hook!. But then later he takes back his admission because it was a lie and he would rather die now than spend eternity in hell!.

and the antagonist i believe might have been the girls who were faking it and accusing everyone in town instead of taking the blame, particularly Abby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sparknotes says:

protagonist · John Proctor
antagonist · Abigail Williams

Btw I'm gonna read that book next year!. Hope it's good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg, abby is the antagonist and protagonist!.!.if that makes sense!. john proctor is def the protogonist!. lol, maybe idk!?! check on google under the crucible spark notes!Www@QuestionHome@Com