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Question: Open-ended story - What Would You Do!?
You are in 3rd grade, back in 1882 and you are outside for break!. Your boyfriend just invited you to sneak around the back of the school house and have a little pic-nic in the edge of the woods, instead of going back inside for class!. You don't want to disappoint him by turning him down, and you really want to!. You'd only miss 15 minutes of class!. !. !. so what do ya say!?!?

First answer takes this story further!. !. !. I'll edit!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No sorry, naybe after school, i like you so meet me at the park!. For now lets go inside!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, this is the writer and editor in me speaking as well as a reader!.!.!. third grade didn't necessarily exist in 1882!. and why would you have a boyfriend at that age anyway!?

besides that, i'd go for it it makes it more interesting!. if you really wanted to be scandalous, they'd go a bit farther than they wanted to and she gets pregnant!.!.!. its the perfect twist!.!.!. almost always anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok!. i would stay with him lol!.!.!.and have the pic-nic then go to class, and say i had a bad case involving the bathroom!. but in reality back then school was probably so strict and 3rd grades dont have breaks not even now days you can't even leave the school!.!.!.!.wait yes you could to the playground, but like teachers would watch you!.!.!.but anywho whatever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ill go and have a picnic cuz anyways i can get the notes from a friend and its just 15 minutes, but my boyfriend isnt a freak, is he!? i mean can I trust him, edge of the woods!.!.!. does it mean he'll rape me!? lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

uhh your in 3rd grade (about 6-8 years old) so its not like the guy is going to rape you or anything so ill go with him!.!.!.!. also wth are you doing with a boyfriendWww@QuestionHome@Com

3rd grade and a boyfriend your a whore and he is a man-whoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do girls in the 3rd grade even have boyfriends!? And even if they do then what kind of a 3rd grade boy plans a picnic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you don't get a break in the 3rd gradeWww@QuestionHome@Com

you think this is a j!.r tolkien fantasy!? or c!.s lewis!? get a life a nd stop living in past!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No my mum would get very upset!.
how bout you come over and we can go over math!?Www@QuestionHome@Com