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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How would you get others to understand the character in a book?

Question: How would you get others to understand the character in a book!?
^^^ Sorry, I couldn't really explain much in the questions!.

I'm writing a fan fiction and I'm having trouble getting the personality of my main character across!. She's supposed to be very wild, determined, funny, and kind hearted and also very opionated!. Basically she doesn't care what other people say!. Any help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would think by sharing her innermost thoughts about other people, events, places, etc!. You know, by letting people know what your character thinks about her friends, family, strangers, and also any things that she owns would help to give color and life and personality to your character!.

also, letting people know about your character's personal favorite objects like books, movies, music can help shape her!. If she has pets and takes good care of them then that would indicate a kind person!. If she's really into reading books then she would come across as smart!. If she's wild then maybe she's into fast cars or motorcycles, or maybe daredevil hobbies like bungee jumping, skydiving, etc!. If you want to show her as determined you could have a parent or friends trying to dissuade her from doing dangerous or exciting things and your character absolutely determined to do them anyway!.

Good luck with your book!Www@QuestionHome@Com