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Question: Anyone who hasn't read Breaking Dawn, don't answer
Did you like it!? I got it last night and read it all night long!. I liked the beginning, and the second story (until the end)!. I don't know, I think that the baby ruined everything!. It went too far, because vampires can't even have kids, so it really wasn't possible!. Did you like it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, I hated it!.
It was the worst thing I've ever read!.
The baby ruined everything!. I don't object to Nessie Cullen-- if Bella and Edward have a baby, great!.
I object to Nessie BLACK!. Having Jake imprint on the daughter of the woman he was originally deeply in love with, made out with, cuddled with, slept in a tent with, and held hands with is just sick and nasty and wrong on so many levels!. It's unethical and immoral and repulsing!. I will never forgive Stephenie Meyer!. That was the WORST ending she could have given him!.

The plot sucked!. There were plot holes!. The characters seemed!.!.!. different in book 3!. Bella had no personality, Edward was aloof, and Jacob lost his personality!. He lost all of his passion and fire and drive and strength!. He just changed completely, and not for the better!. She introduced way too many new characters as well!.

It could have been so much better than it was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was really difficult to read!. I think if it had a better plot and wasn't so "messy" then it could have worked!. Maybe the baby could have come later in the story, and not had been so deadly (It was awful reading about pregnant Bella, she was like a shell of a person)
It's funny that Stephanie went through so much to make the baby work, I mean she might as well have just turned Edward human or something!.!.!.I wonder if that would have gotten better or worse response then Edward and Bella's little "bundle of joy" (and Jake's future wife)!.

All in all, I didn't like it!. Personally I feel the series deserved a better ending!. But Stephanie did what she felt was best I suppose!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

they had sex when she wasnt a vampire!. that was the ironic thing!. she was able to have a baby cause she was human and he was a vampire!. if they were both vampires, ur right, it wouldnt have worked!. but one was human and one was a vampire

i am a twilight obsesser and i read them all when they first came out!. i did like the book everyone should cool down!. its just the was SM thought it should be!. its her thoughts, not everyone elses!.

second part, just my opinion
!.!.!.but still!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because she was a human doesn't mean she should have been able to conceive!. Vampires don't have running fluids!. Their bodies are frozen!. Meyers said so herself!. It shouldn't have worked!.

and yes, the book pretty much suckedWww@QuestionHome@Com

it honestly wasnt very original
basically it suckedWww@QuestionHome@Com