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Question: What are the Breaking Dawn Spoilers!?
I just wanna know


~ Twilightfreak888

I don't need any crap from people saying "read the book and find out"
cuz I'm not getting the book till 3-8 business days later

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically she gets married after telling both her parents!.
Edward has sex with Bella a couple times, and she gets pregnant!.
The baby grows at a rapid rate which is killing Bella, so they turn her into a vampire!. Her power is a "love shield", she can make other vampire powers immune to her!. She can also lower the shield and have Edward read her mind!.!.!.
The baby is a half-vampire, half-human named Nessie!. The baby will only live for 400,000 years because of the whole half thing!. Jacob imprints on the baby!. Sue Clearwater and Charlie are together, I guess!.

They live happily ever after!. e_eWww@QuestionHome@Com

so what when a werewolf imprint on someone is it like a confession for their love or something!. It sound just a bit weird how Jacob imprint on Bella's child considering that he is about 18 years older than her and the fact that he was in love with the mother!. Maybe its a substitution for the real thing!. If Jacob can't have bella then he will settle for her daughter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella marries edward!. edward gets bella knocked up!. bella become pregnant with a evil baby!. or so they believe!. jacob leaves his pack because they want to kill the baby!. bella almost dies and gets turned into a vampire!. jacob imprints of the baby!. the all live happyily ever after!. the endWww@QuestionHome@Com


Well bella has a baby named nessie and jacob imprints on it!. thats the nuggetWww@QuestionHome@Com

lol is breaking dawn even out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com