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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Edward vs. harry? vampire vs. wizard?

Question: Edward vs!. harry!? vampire vs!. wizard!?
who wld win if they had a match think about it !.
harry: magic only
edward: strong fast ming reader who wld win
for me i wld pick edward cuz he wld be too fast 4 harry Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would definetly pick edward!. Like really the vampire would be on top of harry before he could mutter a spell!. I now think of harry potter as yesterday's news!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Edward would defiantly stand a chance against the killing curse, or any of the unforgivable curses! How about petrifying him !? And all the other "simple" spells Harry can do !? I'm sure Edward, is by far the better match!

Hah! I'm being sarcastic, of course Harry can shunt him in the Shrieking Shack with one little flick of his wand, after all he IS Harry Potter! Harry can send him across the Hogwarts fields, manipulate his mind, Harry himself can preform Legilimency and read Edward's mind!. Magical power with no boundaries by far wins over simple little tricks that Edward can do!. Besides, Harry already masters some Occlumens!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well Harry would win because if he can take on Voldemort who is also a mind reader he can take on Edward!. Plus he had classes in Occlumency so!.!.!.he would so win!. and harry can take him without being near him cause of his magic!.

Not even a question, it is an obvious answer!.
COME ON! he is Harry Potter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really difficult to choose, but I think Harry would win!. He would use magic O!.o

Ron and Hermione can help him ^__^

EDIT: Edward can only read their mind from a certain distance, Edward can't manipulate Harry's mind, unlike Jasper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Harry!.!.!.just because Edward knows what he's about to do doesn't mean he can stop it!.!.!.!!

see!.!.!.harry could summon his invisibility cloak!.!.!.point at Edward who would look around for him and!.!.!.PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!Www@QuestionHome@Com


You can't compare the two!Www@QuestionHome@Com