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Question: Wuthering heights or pride and prejudice!?
i have to choose two "classic" books to read for english class!.
i already read madame bovary, but now i have to choose between
-wuthering heights
-pride and prejudice
-oliver twist
so which one is best for a teenage girl to read that wont, you know, totally put me to sleep!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, that's a tough one to answer!. They are all quite different stories!. My personal favourite out of that selection is Pride and Prejudice, but it won't necessarily be yours!. P & P is an amusing novel of courtship and marriage, with a hero and heroine whom many people find very appealing!. Wuthering Heights is a love story of a very different kind, with a hero an dheroine who are basically savages, selfish, destructive, and whose only redemming feature is their love for each other!. It is a strange, violent story!. Pride and Prejudice is light and bright and sparkling, Wuthering Heights is dark and tortured, but ends on an unexpectedly hopeful note as the next generation seem likely to achieve happiness!. Dracula is the original vampire novel (the vampires are villains, not heroes), good if you like horror stories!. Oliver Twist is a story of an orphan boy who runs away to london and falls among thieves, it has some memorable characters and lots of drama, some people love Dickens and some can't stand him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pride and prejudice

I watched the movie last summer and decided to read the book this summer lol so I borrowed pride and prejudice and wuthering heights at the same time!. I read pride and prejudice in like 2 days and it's great to me, especially the relationship between mister Darcy and Lizzie!. I'm reading Wuthering Heights at the moment but I just can't stay concentrated on the book!. I read one chapter and then go to do something else!. It's kind of boring in the beginning!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book of all time is "Wuthering Heights"!. I'm obsessed with that book!. lol!. It's a very deep and complicated book!.

Dracula is also one of my personal favorites!. It's interesting that you were given Dracula as a choice!. I might actually go for that one if it's for a school project, because even though Wuthering Heights is my favorite book, it just might be a bit much!. Dracula is something different, a nice change from the standard school fare!.

I also loved Pride and Prejudice!. Great love story, interesting examination of social attitudes from the time!.

Oliver Twist is a classic, but I can't say it was one of my personal favorites!. There's something about Charles Dickens's writing that just really rubs me the wrong way!. You might like it, though!.!.!.it depends on your taste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pride and the Prejudice!.

the only reason i reason that i read wuthering heights is cause i thought it would be interesting cause eclipse was base off it but anyways SM smokes crack so dont listen to her!. wuthering heights will put you to sleep!. i took it on vacation and force myself to read it, dont read it!.

and im 16 and i think P&P will be easy to write aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com

id go with dracula!.!.itll be more interesting for you

i didnt read pride and predujice but i got bored at the movie and found wuthering heights a REAL struggle to read

ive nvr read oliver twist but the musicals quite interesting so if u want something less gory u could read that

so id say either dracula or oliver twist depending on ur book tastes

hope i helped =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read NONE of the books!. BUT! I think you should read Wuthering Heights just because I'm a Twilight book fan and if you read Twilight, you would notice that the main character refers to her life as wuthering heights!. I always wanted to know what that book was about! But I'm not sure if it'll put you to sleep!.!.!. Hope this helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hard question!. Hard, hard question!. Those are my two favorite books!.

If you like morbid stories that have dark endings, you would love Wuthering Heights!.

If you are more into the "happily ever after" thing, go with P&P!.

So I guess it depends on your personal preferences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both wuthering heights and pride and prejudice are very good books!.

just that pride and prejudice is more nice happy sophisticated, while wuthering heights is all evil mwahahahaha stuff!.

so i guess it depends on what kind of books you enjoy the most!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wuthering Heights and by the way the 3 sisters ea wrote a classic
book to me it is like they were born to write the books and then leave
this life maybe you should respect the Bronte sisters a little more as
I do Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pride & Prejudice is my favorite Jane Austen novel!. I've read it 20 times!. It's also been made into several movies so if you feel lost while reading the book the movies are fairly acurate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pride and Prejudice and Oliver which is so much better than the filmsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pride and Prejudice gets my vote!. but i do admit that i used spark notes while i was reading it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say Oliver Twist, it's not bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pride and prejudice!.!.!.!.I haven't read all of the ones on your list thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com