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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why Didn't Dumbledore Kill Voldemort When Before He Tried To Kill Harry?

Question: Why Didn't Dumbledore Kill Voldemort When Before He Tried To Kill Harry!?
Has anyone wandered about this!? I mean!. Dumbledore had the power!. I know he Formed the Order of Phoenix to fight against him!. Voldemort always feared Dumbledore, so do you think he always ran from Dumbledore!?

OR!.!.!.Did Dumbledore suspect Voldemort had taken precautions with dying and didn't want to face him until he could kill him once and for all!? In the 5th book, Dumbledore only fights Voldemort to keep him busy until the aurors got there to expose him!. He didn't try and kill him yet!.

I believe Dumbledore suspected things!. He didn't actually find out what exactly what until the second book when he was looking at "Riddle's Diary"!. Then, I believe, he knew exactly what Voldemort had done!.

Dumbledore should have killed Voldemort!. Waited until he resurfaced again!. Killed him again!. Do it over and over until all of Voldemorts pieces of soul were demolished!. LoL!.

:P But, we wouldn't have had 7 books of brilliance would we!? :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good Question!

Now that I think about it, I doubt Dumbledore knew before Lilly and James were killed that Voldermort had created Horcruxes!.!.!.so why not attempt to kill him them! I certainly think Dumbledore had the power, And Voldermort knew this therefore he never sort a fight with him!

However, I agree with the way Dumbledore went about destroying the Horcruxes!. Because if he just killed Voldermort (just like that), then Voldermort could have possible created more Horcruxes, or found other ways to remain linked to the world!
It would be a circular problem never solved!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if u remeber in the 7th book, dumbledore tells harry (in the little "death" part) that it had to be him because they shared a connection!. i dont remeber the exact wording, but since the curse rebounded and connected them, plus the blood from the 4th book, it had to be harry!. and there was also the horcruxes issue, with harry being the 7th!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suspect it's because of the Horcruxes and the prophecy!. I believe Dumbledore felt that nothing should interfere with the prophecy or it would alter the scale of good and evil causing major problem for both magic and muggle bornWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am sure that destroying horcruxs was much easier than constanyly fighting with Voldemort, also, according to legend, one of Harry or Voldemort would live only if the other one died, and that Harry would have to be the one to kill Voldemort once and for all, and so he would have to kill a peice of him off, constantly giving Harry hope, until it came to the last peice, and he was forced to tell Harry that he had to be the one to battle him!.
also, we would have only had like 1-3 books, and movies, instead of 7 books, and eventually 8 movies!. And then, we can not be sure how big it would have become, and there might not be a theme park in the making anymore!.!.!. And I for one am excited about the theme park!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question,

Because all of the horcrux's had to be destroyed first!. If they weren't and someone attempted to kill him, there would be no point because then he could just come back again, because there were still Horcrux's!. So once all of the Horcrux's were finally gone Dumbledore was dead so it was up to Harry!. He had to confront his destany and he did!. He killed Voldie and since all the horcrux's were gone, he could never come back!. So there was no point if Dumbledore tried to kill him when he was alive because he would just come back!.!.!.
and if u just killed him over and over and over again!.!.!. that would have been harder then if you just destroyed the horcrux's!. because if you killed him over and over and over again then you would also risk you life!.!.!. and everyone elses in that world
Hope I helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com