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Question: Need help with the book "And then there were none" by Agatha Christie!?
Hi im writing an essay on this book

the question is!.!.!.!.
"Discuss the mystery and resolution central to And Then There were none!. Identify and explain the most significant clues in the plot!.
I am not asking for answers to the essay!.

but i have two questions!.

How am i supposed to write this essay!? (intro, body, body, conclusion!? or somthing else)

and also how is it possible that Judge Wargrave wasnt dead afterall when they found him shot in the head!?

if you can atleast answer one thanks =)
10 points for best answer


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can answer the second one!. Judge Wargrave wasn't really dead!. What he did was he planned with one other character, (I can't remember who) that he should fake his death!. He told that character he would do that so that, when everyone thinks he is dead, he would have time to go snooping around the house to try to find out who the real killer was!. He took an injection that made his breathing decrease exponentially so that it looked like he wasn't breathing and was dead!. He faked the gunshot wound to make it look like he had been shot!.


Yes, most essays are written with an intro, 3 main points, and a conclusion!.

2 topics that come to mind for And Then There Were None would be justice (these people had gotten away with crime prior to coming to this island) or the nursery rhyme (the murders are played out against a nursery rhyme!.) In either case, you would be able to include most of the clues in conjunction with either topic!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

he killed himself with a shotgun after he killed off everyone else!. so it seemed like a unsolvable murder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com