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Question: Breaking Dawn reviews!!!!! Spoilers included!!!
I finished Breaking Dawn and I want other peoples opinions!. What did you think of it!? Love it!? Hate it!?
What about Bella's daughter!. Did you think she should have had her!? And what about Jake and her!? Did you want to strangle Bella when she was being so darn stubborn even though it was killing her!? I felt so bad for Edward!.!.!.!.
What about Jasper and Alice's little escape!? Max!? Irina!? Bella's power!. Do you think the blood lust control was a power too!? Did you think Edward and Bella were very,very intimate!? A lot!? Like everyday!?!? I did!.!.!.
So, give me your opinions on it! How would you have changed it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually read the spoiler about breaking dawn on the internet the day before the release and i thought the whole half-vamp-fetus thing was so ridiculously absurd that there was NO WAY it was true!.
Nessie!? i mean HONESTLY the whole thing made me want to throw up!.
And i have adored the twilight series up until this point!.

i mean the book wasn't all garbage!.!.i'll give stephenie that, i teared up at a few places!.!.like when Edward and Bella were sure they were both going to die!.!.!.it just wasn't the happy ending i wanted!.

Nessie creeps the heck out of me!.!.!.and the whole Jacob imprinting on her thing made me want to break something,

i felt like i was trapped in a really bad FanFic!.
like forreallz!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I didn't exactly hate the book but I can't say I adored it either!. I wasn't expecting Bella to get pregnant -I had thought about that and had decided it would have been so weird- and while I was trying to get over the awkwardness of the baby I found out that I also had to deal with the awkwardness of Jacob and Nessie thing which I think very disturbing!. I wish she kept everything more normal and understandble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was such a depressing book, it was terrible and awful, i done HATE Stephanie meyer, i just wished she i had known what she was thinking at the time!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could you please tell me more about Jasper and Alice's escape, Max, Irina, and Bella's power!? Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I HATE the book!. That was the worst way to end a series, a series I actually kinda liked before Breaking Dawn!. More like breaking my heart!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Y'know, right now, I would much rather have Jake and Bella together!. If it will prevent the Nessie thing!. God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


what does that spell!? Breaking Dawn!. Www@QuestionHome@Com