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Question: Is this the end of the Twilight War On Yahoo!?
Is it the end of the obsessive fans and obsessive haters, now that most of Stephanie meyer's fans hate the book!?

I didn't read it, and am not even going to waste my time!.!.!.!.

What do you guys think!?

I hope so!.!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I surely hope so!. It is nice to get back to actually answering QUESTIONS about reading and writing and REAL books!! I have answered a lot tonight and it has been nice!.

I have to say this!. I never asked for a WAR !.!.!. I read the book two weeks ago - an ARC in order to write a magazine article!. I have been sitting here for 2 whole weeks keeping my mouth shut every time I read the predictions and stuff!. Sometimes laughing out loud!.

But what I have been doing over and over again is pointing out a couple of things !.!.!. First that is just ink on paper!. It is a bad book!. Have I read other bad books!? Sure!. Am I likely to read more!? Sure!. It's part of what I do!. I have also been saying that as an author I am very deeply concerned with the responsibility placed on me!. Obviously SM is not, and I knew that 2 weeks ago!. I have been commenting on the pedo issue!. I have been commenting on the fact that Ed is a potential abuser and manipulator!. And now he has proven it!. What kind of a man doesn't think about safe sex when his body is allegedly filled with venom and his partner is human!?!? Isn't that how the AIDS epidemic started!? And what kind of a man tries to abort his own child against the mother's wishes!? Not a very sparkly one!.

What is sad is that people have lost accounts along the way!. Bekki is one!. And other people who were very helpful to others have left because they couldn't stand it anymore!. I can't name all their names, but on behalf of everyone here who has been speaking out against the Twilight Series (please no more Saga) I accept your surrender!.

As for war on Yahoo !. !.!. what did Yahoo ever do to you except give you a free forum to come to where people donate their time to help others!? All they asked in return was that you follow their Guidelines!. That isn't so much to ask!.

So many people have asked me what Pax-C means!. When they write me I tell them!. Pax is Latin for Peace!. C is just an initial I use!. So !.!.!. PAX to all !.!.!. Let's get on with discussing some GOOD books now and forget about this pot smoking hack from Phoenix who couldn't write a decent grocery list!.


Well, I don't hate the book, but I'm dissapointed that they had to be so overrated!.
It's the same thing in each book, but it supposedly get sexier and cuter and adventurous at the same time!.
Psh!. Not really!.

The first book was awesome, and it should've been the last book, also!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

sadly, like all other yahoo wars ( MCR ring a bell!? that was crazy) i dont think it will!. i enjoy the books, but the crazyness on here about it is making me regret ever randomly coming across them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah well lol stephenie meyer is laughing her *** off all the way to the bank right now

i really dont care, im just happy to prove them bitches wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well for me it turned Saturday 20 minutes ago, so people are going to be obsessing about breaking dawn the next feew days or weeks, it is not over yetWww@QuestionHome@Com

haha i dont think its the end of the war!. tomorrows gonna be all about hating Breaking Dawn!. thatll be funn to read :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you kidding!?
Yahoo Answers will be flooded with Breaking dawn questions tomorrow!.

Twilight War!? Have you all been drafted!? Please!.!.!. don't shoot!. I'm a Swiss neutral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh mannnn!.!.!.!.!.!.I loved showing off my literary knowledge to stupid fangirls!.!.!.!.!.but I suppose it's time they too learn about GOOD literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tommorow will be SO FUNNY =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

We'll probably forget the first three books and spend all our time agreeing on how the fourth book made us PUKE!.