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Question: Did Snape know Voldemort was a half-blood named tom riddle!?
did Snape know Voldemort was a half-blood named tom riddle!? If so, when did he find out!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeh i reckon all the Death Eaters would of known!. After all many of them went to school with Voldemort!. And as Snape wasnt a proper Death Eater in the end, Dumbledore would probably of told him anyway!. I suppose the main reason none of them mentioned this was because Voldemort was so much more powerful than them, showed no remorse for the people he murdered, and very little forgiveness!. They were terrified of him, probably all cowards or power crazy which is, i bet, the reason why they joined him!. To protect themselves and have more power!. But, even if they were like that, i bet none of them were stupid enough, especially snape, to go "Hey Voldemort, youre not pure blood are you!?" because theyd probably get alot more then a boot out the door!. :P

I dont honestly think the Death Eaters knew what they were getting themselves into, joining Voldemort!. They probably had in mind friendly little chats between themselves and Voldemort, being Voldemorts favourite and being taught everything Voldemort knew, sharing his power with them!. But Voldemort used them all, the only things he rewarded them with was their lives!. So if Voldemort was like this with the people that supported him, the people on his side, they really wouldnt have been stupid enough to get on his wrong side!. And i suppose Tom Riddle dissappeared long ago!. I doubt any of the death eaters were bothered about his past!. He was Lord Voldemort now, everyone feared him!. He'd made them feared by people to and they were probably loving it!.

Sorry about the length of the answer, and going off into a massive lecture =P I just thought it was necessary because it sort of links with the question why did all the death eaters follow him, when they hate anyone who isnt pureblood!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes sure he did!. and that's why i have always wondered how all voldemort's followers agree to help him or serve when they know that their master himself isnt a pure blood!. a question which i think is unanswered in the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes he knew becuase everybody since year one knew he was from a muggle orphanage!.!.!.they knew he was a mud-blood!. Help!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

good question !.
i'm HP fan !.
i dont remember him mention anything or was included in any scene that harry found out the truth !.

since he is part of THE ORDER OF PHOENIX !. he probably knowWww@QuestionHome@Com