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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where can I find the book "Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver"?

Question: Where can I find the book "Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver"!?
This German's children's book is famous and well-known within it's country of origin as "Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivfuhrer"!. However, it was written in 1960 and never received a significant amount of attention in the US, and although a full English-translation exists, nowadays its nowhere to be found!.

All I could find was one seller on Amazon selling the book for $775!.!.!. not exactly within a 16 year old high school student's budget!. The sequel, which I'm also looking for, is nowhere to be found!.!.!.

I have both books in their original German texts!. They were my favorite books as a young child when I lived in Germany for a year!. I was looking for the English versions to share with friends, family, etc!. here in the States!.

Anybody have a lead!? I'd appreciate any information, big or small!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alibris!.com has Ende's used books including this one!. Unfortunately, the cheapest edition they carry is over $500!!! I am astounded!

However, if you enjoy Michael Ende's writing (and I do as well!) maybe you'd like another one he wrote called "Momo!." I found it absorbing and intelligent, as all his books seem to be!. There are quite a few editions and they are very inexpensive on Alibris!. And, of course, there is always The Neverending Story--which is SO MUCH better as a book than a movie!

And I'll tell you---if Alibris doesn't have it, it probably doesn't exist!. They search the whole planet for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try www!.abebooks!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com