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Question: Question about "Of Mice and Men"
I read the book, "Of Mice and Men" for summer reading, and I was just wondering!.!.!. what was the point of the book, i found it quite boring and not having a point!. Like okay so there was a mentally challenged man and a normal man, so what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh god, they made you too!?!

Probably some tolerance crap they try to drill into our heads!. "Don't be mean to the special people"!. It's obvious you shouldn't be, we don't need to be forced to read about it! And a creepy guy petting dead mice!

Sorry, I'm kinda worked up over the horridness of SM!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This book has more than meets the eye!. It cover a lot--life, death, dreams, and faith!.

This is a very different "American Dream" story than what most people think of (which is usually "The Great Gatsby")!. It is about turn-of-the-century working men, who live week-to-week and month-to-month, always building better lives in their heads than can ever be built by their work!. It's about trying to get ahead, but always having a handicap - brutality (Lennie), being crippled (Candy), being unwanted (Crooks), or having to take care of someone else (George)!. It is about young men and their dreams, and old men and their dogs, and the dream that all Americans carry of running away and living off the fat of the land!.

It's a period piece about the human condition!. The "mentally challenged man" has nowhere to go, no one to take care of him, and the "normal man" finds himself in the same boat!. Yet even though taking care of the other costs him dearly, he can not let him suffer!. The normal man takes care of the challenged man, and the end shows how love can take the strangest forms, and how sometimes you have to hurt the ones you love to protect them!. It was a slam against societies treatment of the mentally ill, and a platonic love story with a realistic and tragic ending!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The poignancy of the fragility of the human condition!.!.!.!.!.the interactions of people who found sanctuary in each other while each being incredibly outcast and alone!.!.!.!.a very good read!.!.!.and you need not like it to get these points!. I can understand where it is not the most riveting book ever written and had it not been written by Steinbeck!.!.!.perhaps we never would have heard of it!. That!.!.!.in a nutshell is my answer!.


Kari gave you a good, basic answer!. If you have time, read Blaze by Stephen King as Richard Bachman - his tribute to Of Mice and Men!. It is wonderful!. Pax-C Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of Mice and Men attempts to explain the nature of being human and one's struggles to identify a place in the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com