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Question: SMeyer's vamps can't use condoms!?
I thought she was a Mormon, aren't they all for safe sex!?
No offense to Mormons, but honestly!.
Whatever will her boys do when they read about pregnant 18 year olds and vampires trying to abort babies!?!
She's so awful!.
Does anyone else wonder why Eddie didn't use one!? Surely he knew what happens when you sleep with a human, in all his 108 years of living!.
Oh, and does anyone know Ed's reaction to Bella being pregnant!?
I haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet!.

P!.S!. tinge of sarcasm!. just a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It just shows Edward's insensitivity and selfishness!. He is filled with venom supposedly!. So wouldn't you think he would use a condom regardless of whether or not he could get her pregnant - just to prevent the exchange of bodily fluids!? Isn't that what AIDS is all about!? Another sign of a domestic abuser!. They never give a darn about safe sex!. They don't like condoms!.

Supposedly Ed had a "talk" with his brothers about sex as well as one with Carlisle - a doctor!. Shouldn't someone have pointed out the exchange of bodily fluids!? The venom in her could have killed her right then and there!. Instead she got pregnant!. In all of his 103 years, he never ejaculated!? He didn't know what was in there!? Very strange !.!.!.

His reaction!? He wants to abort it - without Bella's consent!. Then he tries to pawn the little mutant bampire off on Jacob to raise!. Instead Jake imprints on it - a baby!. Second pedo member of the wolf pack!. Where are this woman's Morman morals!?!?

Refuse it kiddo!. Send it back unopened for a refund!. Send Stephanie a message that this is unacceptable to you!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, bella and edward are like most couples -- "oh, bella won't get knocked up! it won't happen to us!!" and yet, it did!.

yeah!. the whole abortion issue is meyer trying to shove her mormon beliefs down our throats while hastily covering up the marijuana garden in her backyard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward didn't use on because he didn't know he was capable of getting Bella pregnant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously love Breaking Dawn!. It made all the fangirls cry and commit suicide!. That makes me so happy :)
THANKS SMEYER! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i so agree
wheres the condoms!?
alice packed tampons but no condoms!?