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Question: Breaking dawn release party help!?
Ok so me and my friends are planning on going to the breaking dawn release party!. We were thinking about taking black shirts and getting transfer paper and putting the team we are on ( Jacob or Edward) on the front and then putting our favotite quote from them on the back!. Then tomorrow we were going to put body glitter on before the release party so we dazzled!.

Does anyone think this is a good idea!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thats a really cute idea!!!! i especially like the dazzled part lol!. i hope you guys have a great time!!! your shirts will be very creative and fun!!!!

-good luck ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like your idea! have fun!

oh, that guy who just said "we're gonna put 'edward sucks' on the t-shirt" or something, is a plain asshole!. He's just being childish and immature!. my gawd, we all understand the irrational excitement over a fictional character, but hellllllllo, both edward and jacob are characters created by stephenie meyer, so please, just support the author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YEah! Me and my friends are in Team Jacob and we're going to go dressed as wolves and with t-shirts saying "edward sucks" on them!Www@QuestionHome@Com