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Question: Your favorite Twilight series quotes!?!!?
Since Breaking Dawn is coming out in a couple days, I want to know what your favorite quote is from all 3 books!. Anything that comes out of Edward's mouth is my fav!. Yes, I'm on Team Edward!. Any fav quotes!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Weell, I agree 99!.99% anything from Edward's mouth, like:

Bust out the shackles, I'm now your prisoner!.

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb!.!.!.

Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night!. very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason!.!.!. And then you shot across my sky like a meteor!. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty!. when you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black!. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light!. I couldn't see the stars anymore!. And there was no more reason for anything!.

You should probably know I'm breaking the rules right now!. Well, not technically, since he said I was never to walk through his door again, and I came in the window!.!.!. But, still, the intent was clear!.

Your hair looks like a haystack, but I like it!.

If I could dream at all, it would be about you!.And I'm not ashamed of it!.

Look after my heart---I've left it with you!.

I love you!. I want you!. Right now!.

Isabella Swan!? I promise to love you forever---every single day of forever!. Will you marry me!?

Bella, I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you!. You don't know how it's tortured me!.!.!.the thought of you, still, white, cold!.!.!.to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses!.!.!.it would be unendurable!.!.!.you are the most important thing to me now, the most important thing to me ever!.

I thought I'd explained it clearly before!. Bella, I can't live in a world where you don't exist!.

Do I dazzle you!? XD

I don't care if she merely trips, or if a meteor hits her in the head!. If you give her back in less than the perfect condition I left her in, you'll be running with three legs!. Do you understand that, mongrel!?
And if you ever kiss her again, I will break your jaw for her!.
(Love that threat! Go Edward!)

Death that had sucked the honey of thy breath hath had no power yet upon thy beauty!.

The only thing I never wanted him to say was:

It will be as if I never existed!. (Really broke my heart for a while!.)

Oh, and some quotes from other characters:

Fall down again, Bella!?
No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face!.

If we all had happy endings, we'd all be under gravestones now!. -Rosalie Hale

You truly are one frightening little monster!. -Jasper Hale

Go fetch a space heater!. I'm not a St!. Bernard!. -Jacob Black

Baby Lynn has OTD! (Obsessive Twilight Disorder)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, same here!. Anything that Edward says, true or not, I agree with or love :)

But, as I have none of the books with me, my favorite is from Breaking Dawn: "Do you want me to sing to you!? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away!."

No, I don't have the book, it's from Stephenie Meyer's website; if you didn't know, she gives out a quote from the book everyday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella: I love you
Edward: You are my life now

New Moon:
"I think she is having hysterics!. Maybe you should slap her"


“I was just wondering why you stabbed him!. Not that I object!.”


Yeah, ok!. You see that search bar way up there!?!? Yeah, use it!.


164 questions already asked about this!.


LOL when Bella told Edward she punched Jacob!. haha that was funny!. :)
And then she tells Emmett!. hahaha
"No Emmett, i punched a werewolf in the face"

Bella: So that's it you won't sleep with me until we're married!?

Edward: Well technically I can't ever sleep with you!.

Bella: Very mature, Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"When are you going to wake up and realize that he's not as perfect as you think he is!?"
- Jacob Black, Eclipse


The last line Eclipse!. Not the Epilogue, the chapter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn

Edward: OopsWww@QuestionHome@Com


everything is my favorite quote!. i love every word in the series!. even when edward is gone, because it just goes to show how much he loves her!.
here are some of my favorites though!.!.!.
~"What if I'm not the superhero!?What if I'm the bad guy!?" - Edward Cullen
~"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb!." - Edward Cullen
~"Do I dazzle you!?" - Edward Cullen
~"I prefer brunettes!." — Edward Cullen
~"We're a bit sensitive to blood around here!. I'm sure you can understand that!." — Bella Swan
~"And speaking of Italy and sports cars that I stole there, you still owe me a yellow Porsche!." — Alice Cullen
~"I don't have any leeches on my speed dial!." — Jacob Black
~"I'm really glad Edward didn't kill you!. Everything's so much more fun with you around!." — Emmett Cullen
~"This hostage stuff is fun!." — Alice Cullen
~"I already know how strong you are!. You didn't have to break the furniture!." — Bella Swan
~"You aren't exactly the best judge of what is or isn't dangerous!." — Edward Cullen
~"It's the thought that counts!. I ought to know!." — Edward Cullen
~"Fall down again,Bella!?"-Emmett Cullen
~"I was just wondering why you stabbed him!?Not that I object!."-Edward Cullen
~"Would you please tell me what you are thinking before I go mad!?"-Edward Cullen
~"I know you think I have some perfect unyeilding,self-control,but that's not actually the case!."-Edward Cullen
~"You worry too much,Bella!.You're going to go prematurely gray!."-Alice Cullen
~"You are bizarrely moral for a vampire!."-Bella Swan
~"Haven't you noticed yet,Bella,that Edward is just the teeniest bit prone to overreaction!?"-Alice Cullen

but i also love all the quotes from breaking dawn"
Alice: "I'll play you for it!. Rock, paper, scissors!."
Edward: "Why don't you just tell me who wins!?"
Alice: "I do!. Excellent!."

Bella: "Oh, Mike! How will I go on!?"

Tanya: "Ah, Edward!. I've missed you!."

Emmett: "Oooo, scary!."

Bella: "Jasper!? What do vampires do for bachelor parties!? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you!?"

Charlie: "Bells, we're up to bat!."

Edward: "You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating!."

Bella: "Why am I covered in feathers!?"

Alice: "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you!."
Bella: "Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood!."

Edward: "Oops!."

Renee: "Alice wouldn't let us do anything else!. Every time we tried, she all but ripped our throats out!."

Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you!? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away!."

Rosalie: "Over my pile of ashes!."

Edward: "You look so guilty—like you've committed a crime!."

Sam: "This is not something our treaty anticipated!. This is a danger to every human in the area!."

Rosalie: "I'd like to beat you dead!."

Jasper: "I can't understand!. I can't bear this!."

Seth: "You'll hurt her!. Let her go!."

Carlisle: "I've seen vampire venom work miracles, but there are conditions that even venom cannot overcome!."

Except for maybe this one!.!.!.!., the newest!.
Jacob: "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Twilight series is an example of a horrible attempt at writing!." - Me XD

(bet this answer gets many thumbs down)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything from Edward!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com