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Question: How are the Breaking Dawn spoilers NOT true!?
I read the first 7 chapters and all the quotes are there!. It's all in there!. And the writing even sounds like Stephenie!. The book HAS been released accidentally by grocery stores (like H-E-B) in some places (like certain places in Texas, not everywhere)!.

People are saying; how could Bella be pregnant!? There's a sort-of explanation in one of the chapters, that could happen!. Incubus!.

Are people just saying it's fake because they don't like what happened in it!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
because they just dont want to believe it!. Ive read the seven chapters and that deff is stephenie meyers writing!. theyre going to feel like idiots when they find the spoilers are true but whatever ^!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

By incubus I do hope you mean that Edward is the evil spirit!. Because that is what it is!. An evil spirit or demon that has sex with women!.

Would a succubus define her baby then!? If so then I guess "Nessie" goes well since that would mean that she is a "monster"!. I am totally shocked by hearing this!. That means that Meyer has taken a step, or in this case too many steps up, into something that no one expected AT ALL!.!.I don't know man!.!.I just want the dang book!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dylan P, you foolish little boy!. Obviously you need to re-read chapters 1-7!. Matter-of-fact, read chapters 8-14 instead, so you fully understand her pregnancy!.

I really just want to smack people like you!. It would've been different if you said "don't say spoilers", but instead you've said their false, which is INCORRECT!. So I win, you lose!. Suck it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as much as i would love to go and try to find the first seven chapters, im not because i don't want to ruin all of the fun!. Which is me going crazy by waiting for it to be released!. Her article says that the spoilers are not true, so I'm just going to sit here until the book comes out!. lol :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really dont think that bella is pregnant !. i think that its just fake spoliers people are jsut spreading around!. the new book has not been realsed anywhere from what i heard this new book is being kept under lock and key =)!. so dont beilve everthing you have read in the spoliers on the internet most of it could be all lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh they could be!. lol!. I just found the first 7 chapters online and I'm about to read them!. So I will check back when I'm finished to tell you if the spoilers are real or not!.

I doubt Bella gets pregnant!. that would be a dumb storyline because it wouldn't be Edward who impregnates her!. Since he CANT!.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to eat my words now!!!!! I just read the first 7 chapters and it is from the ACTUAL BOOK!!!%$&%#@ That's ALL i'm going to say because I don't want to spoil anything!! But so far everyone has been right!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know, you guys are making some pretty out there claims here!. Wheres your proof!? your an asshole!. And your full of ****, I've read the first 7 chapters online from a leak and it says nothing about an incubus or about her being preggers!. Now stop being a bastard, just because you have no life doesn't mean you have to waste what ever bit of it is left ruining **** for other people!. God damn i hate people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lolz, Edward is an incubus now!?

I like to think they aren't true because if it is Meyer should just!.!.!.I don't know!.!.!.go in a corner and bask her faildom!. She's going to make millions off of this either way!.

Gah!. I hope their not true!. Plus the USA today article says there are no real leaks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

USA Today is full of lies!.

They're true!. But I'm so pissed at that stupid incubus bullcrap!.

Lol @ the wiki entry!. 'unnaturally cold penis' yep!. It does sound like Edward!.

hahahah!. Nessie is a cambion!.

I've tried telling people that it came out early where I live (texas) but all I do is get yelled at in return!. *sigh* You lose both ways!.

I know, we should ban together and spread the truth about these spoilers being REAL!. Maybe then they'll believe it, but i doubt it!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well they aren't necessarily not true!.
But you do have to keep in mind that there are some people who write fan fiction that are very good at what they do!.
You really won't know anything until Saturday!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the world of vampires ladies , nobody is as they seem , so don't be shocked or disgusted in any way , Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, theyre all real!. I have also seen chapters 8-14
Its all ridiculous!. I wish it wasnt true, but it is


Yeah, they don't agree with it!. Oh well, disappointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is!. Buy the book and find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can you tell me where you found the first 7 chapters!? I would REALLY appreciate a link!Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk y you would want to be spoiled!. The waiting part is just so fun!!Www@QuestionHome@Com