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Question: Do u know any breaking dawn spoilers!?
hello!hi!hallo!hola!xin chao!
anyone knows where i can read any spoilers of breaking dawn!.!?
i am dying to have the book in my hands!.
well, hope you can give me some website to read more about breaking dawn!.
bye! adios!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alright I can tell you without a doubt that Sparklep's breaking dawn is absurd!.

First of all- Bella cannot get pregnant you moron!! That was the whole reason Rosalie was so upset about being a vampire, because it would always just be her and Emment!. When you change into a vampire, according to the books, all bodily fluids get replaced by the vampire venom, hence no sperm!.

Second of all- Stephenie Meyer has already declared that the book is from Bella's perspective, the whole book!

Third of all- SM also said the book will be about a enemy to both vampire and werewolf, where the hell does a vampire baby come into all of this!?!?

Fourth of all- Your an idiot and have made a complete mockery of the Twilight saga, you should be ashamed!.

Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

you know the book comes out in just two more days, I'm sure its not that hard to wait nor is it worth it looking at those spoilers!. It'll just take away some of the experience of reading the book but whatever its your choice!.

edit--- VVV yeah that persons right about the spoilers, Ive read the first seven chapters already and apparently someone last night added 100 more pages which i still have to look for!. I got stopped right at part two which is Jacobs view ><
I cant believe i have given into temptation =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie Meyer released a spoiler!. She said the wedding does happen and its in the beginning of the book!.
She also says she hopes spoilers are posted about the book because she wants everyone to experience what actually happens by reading it!.
Don't ruin it for yourself, just wait only two more days!.

And yes!. A store in Texas sold the book early and there are spoilers all over the web!. But I strongly encourage you not to look for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Braking Dawn was tried to keep under tight turms so except for the first chapter there only one and it was let out by Stephanie herself on ew!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

can anyone give me an actual site with scanned pages!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

All the links I have to scans of the book have been taken down, I'm afraid!.

But so far, I've found and read the first 230 or so pages (and am waiting for more scans to show up)!.

Bella and Edward's wedding hardly counts as a spoiler!. But here's a few things I can tell you about BD (and yes, these are real, so if you don't want to know, don't read them):

Bella and Edward go to a private island (Isle Esme) off the coast of Brazil for their honeymoon; the island is owned by Carlisle and Esme!.

Bella and Edward have sex on their first night there, but it isn't described in any detail!. Edward tries to be careful, because he could possibly kill Bella during sex, but she still ends up covered in bruises the next day!. Bella's not upset about it, but Edward is, so he vows not to have sex with her again until she is a vampire!.

Bella gets pregnant the first time she has sex with Edward!. How!? I don't know yet, but Edward's 90-year-old sperm still works!. The baby develops really fast, and in two weeks Bella has morning sickness and her belly is already bigger!. Edward is afraid the half-vampire baby will kill her (and he's right, in a way), and he and Carlisle try to get her to have an abortion!. But Bella gets Rosalie to help her because she wants the baby really badly!.

Then there's a section of the book told from Jacob's perspective, and while I think Breaking Dawn is a pretty crappy book already, this whole section gets boring really fast!. Jacob goes to the Cullen house to see Bella (he was afraid she'd be turned to a vampire on her honeymoon), and she's in really bad shape because the monster baby she's having is like a parasite, consuming her!.

Edward is going crazy at the idea that Bella might die!. He and Jacob have a man-to-man talk outside, where Edward tells Jacob that if he can convince Bella to abort the monster baby, he'll let Jacob impregnate Bella with as many nice, normal, non-vampire babies as Bella wants!. (No, I'm not kidding about this--I wish I was!.)

Bella still refuses to abort the monster-baby; she's willing to die for it!. And besides, she knows that just before she dies either Carlisle or Edward will make her a vampire!.

Jacob leaves, and the werewolves see all the pictures of Bella in his mind, and are like NO WAI!! WTF!? DO NOT WANT! and want to attack the Cullens and kill Bella's monster baby!. They discuss this at tedious length!. Jacob warns the Cullens and averts the attack, and that's where everything stood when I ran out of scans to read!. And I'm not even 1/3 of the way through this silly, silly book!.

There are lots of Epilogue spoilers floating around out there too; try searching for "Nessi" or "Renesmee" and they should turn up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com