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Question: How has YA changed you!?
By encountering such a variety of people and opinions, how do you think, the Yahoo Answers, have changed you, opened your horizon!?!?

In any case, we do have news through out the world but still, we get it filtered and channelled via some who are at teh top and have analysed firt the issues for us!

While here, it is flat free of any forms and shapes of hierarchies!. Well, you might have Top Contributors a bit higher, but its still a flat society!.
Everyone gets teh same say!
"Don Tapscott, in his book 'Wikinomics' called this "Renaissance of the age of internet, breaking down boundaries of the hierachical society and building a flat free of power position society, where knowledge rules, <rather then manipulation of it! - my edit>!.
HE also sads that this renaissance is far more powerful then that of the birth of the Greek democracy and that of Italy, mainly because NOW IT HAS GONE GLOBAL AND INVOLVE THE WHOLE WORLD, rather then few corners!

What are your thoughts!?! Any peculriar insights!? Please share it!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It hasn't changed me at all, but I love the massive communication possibilities!. I find it very satisfying answering a question that has been asked by a person I will never meet or see, a person who might even be on the other side of the world!. If I come across a heart-felt question, one that I can answer in detail and truly help someone by answering, it gives me great pleasure to construct an answer for them!. I take pride in many of my answers, sometimes even writing them out in word and polishing them completely before posting them here!.

Edit: oh, and answering this question has brought me to 2000 points! Hooray!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has made me even more acutely aware of just how bad people's spelling and grammar is!.

Oh and to your point about globalisation - most of the internet is still censored in places like China, and there is internet snooping and censorship going on in so-called leading countries like the USA too!. Leading the way in human rights abuses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose it reflects what you normally encounter in real life -both intelligence and crassness - the price you pay for freedom of speech!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it were in person, it would change me!. It's just an internet website!.

I think YA needs better moderation after people got suspended by annoying Twilight fans, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now I know that alot more ppl hate miley cyrus than i thought!!! :(Www@QuestionHome@Com
