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Question: Shall I go to a Breaking Dawn party!?
I am still not sure if i should go!. What actually happens at one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They play party games, costume contest!. A bookstore near me is having a 'prom'!. -_-

The discuss the book and get all fangirly and a few girls will physically fight over 'omg, who is better, jacob or edward!'

Atleast one person is going to be there, saying things like 'Nessie lives!' and 'Jacob is a pedobear!'

If you just want to get the book and go home and read it, I suggest you head to a Wal-mart at midnight and get it there!. Most of them are doing the midnight release too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well at the one by my house we are: making masuerade masks, costume contest, playing trivia gaems, team jacob, team edward stuff, umm pretty much games that are twilight, new moon, eclipse, related and then at 12:01 we get our books =D!!! you should definately go!.!.!.if you are as excited about breaking dawn as i am!!! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Im considering it, I already pre-ordered and it's coming in the mail though!.!.!.I want to get the calender though!.!.!.so I figured I would probobly already be out so I might as well go!.!.!.

But Im still not sure, I dont want to be the oldest kid there!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


YESSSSSSS!. There fun!.!.!.depends on where u go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com