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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight...(10 points)?

Question: Twilight!.!.!.(10 points)!?
i will give the best answer to the first hardcore twilight fan who promises not to ask anymore repetetive twilight questions!. im just trying to lessen the amount of the questions that everyone is tired of!. and just because you aren't the one who will get the best answer, still, it would be awesome if you would make the promise too!. its okay if you have a genuine question that hasn't been asked 10,000 times in the last 24 hours!. just not one like "edward of jacob!?" or "what do you thinks going to happen in breaking dawn!?" and so on!.!.!.please, use the search bar!.!.!.thats why its there, so that you dont waste the space of questions that arent overasked!. (i like the books, they are alright, but this is getting a little out of hand people)!. thank you for being considerate of other people who really need important questions answered!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I swear I will not answer anymore questions about these series!.

*bangs head on table to throw away all thought of the books*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am obsessed with twilight!.!.!. i am one of those fans you hear about getting arrested for trying to get too close to the actors (yeah that would be me) lol but i only ask questions that are serious and i have direct answers to!. not like "what will happen in breaking dawn" or "your favorite quotes" or "spoilers!!" or "edward cullen is soooo hot" etc etc!.

I agree this is getting out of hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who cares!.
They can just skip over the question,if they don't like it!.
No one is putting a gun to their head,to open that question up and answer it!.
I am getting really sick of people!.
If someone wants to waste their points,then let them!.
Gez o' wizards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats awesome! I hope people follow it! :D

*Annoyed with repeated questions about Twilight*


i completely agree with you!.

every other reply i've done today had "*drink*" in it!.

i'm sooo annoyed with people who are asking the same questions over and over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have asked any twilight questions but I cant wait for breaking dawn to come out!. (There are alot of twilight questions arent there!?) =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I kind of thinks its awesome that Twilight is taking over Y!A, because it shows me im not the only one obsessed with it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people have put out these requests but its not doing much!. We can only hope for the better!.


i agree
i love the series!.!.!.but this is getting obsessive and annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com