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Question: Twilight spoilers!?
Alright I know alot of you have been complaining about spoliers on the internet and such but really if you loved the books soo much why would you go on the internet in the first place and risk seeing some!?
Sure you might want to see the quote of the day, so just type that in your search bar and log off!
Dont get pissy because you clicked on a link that had spoilers on it, its your own fault!.

also dont say I just wasted five points, I really could care less because an ask and answer site isnt serious buisness you idoits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I dont really mind the spoilers, I mean when i get a book i usually go to the back and see what i can make of the last paragraph lol!. yeah people shouldn't be posting spoilers cause it ruins the reading experience for people and not to mention its illegal what they're doing but its not my *** that gets in trouble if caught!. In case im a little glad for these spoilers because at least it prepares me for what im going to read >< and by the looks of these spoilers im not going to like what im going to read!.

edit-- and yeah if you dont want to read the spoilers then stay away from the internet, if you dont think you can stay away from the internet then stay away from yahoo answers!. It shouldn't be that hard and you wont be missing anything anyways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people need to stop posting spoilers, so people can actually read the books and enjoy them!. the true fans are the ones NOT posting any of that garbage!. i accidentally read one and it was the stupidest thing i ever read! I dont mind fanfics because they have some interesting theries that get me thinking about BD and what i think might happen, not what some jerk says WILL happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to go on the internet without having the spoilers! All of the spoilers are ticking me off! It isn't fair!. I don't want to stay off the internet for 3 whole days just because someone decided to spoil the book!. This is retarded!

Do you really think this is what stephanie meyer wants!?

Congrat's spoiler posters, you really are true fans you know, ruining it for the rest of us!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not a hermit, I get on the internet alot, my job requires it!. I don't mind spoilers that have fair warning, but the surprise attack ones piss me off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love spoilers, send them my way!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com