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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For all you annoyed twilight fans who are getting Drink on your questions!?

Question: For all you annoyed twilight fans who are getting Drink on your questions!!?
Since these "people" like to write Drink on all of our questions i think that we should do something about it! Because i don't know if i am the only one but i am so annoyed that they keep doing this!! So if You agree with me when we hear something like drink on questions we should put" Love twilight" or you can put Love twilight and nothing you can do about it"! I mean if we just annoy them maybe they will quit annoying the crap out of us!! Join please!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
*love twilight*!! i'm with you!!! now i just have to remember!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Other users are perfectly within their rights to add *drink* after their posts!. I'm a Twilight fan, and frankly, I can see why people are doing it!. Stop and think about it!. You ("you" meaning anyone who is automatically offended by the *drink* posts, not just the user who posted this "question") are so offended that people keep writing *drink* in answer to people's questions, you don't stop to think that you might have done something annoying to offend these people in the first place! They DO have a point! So many questions are over-asked on here!. Is it so hard to do a search on your question before posting it to make sure it hasn't already been asked!? We don't need a million "How do I dress up like Alice!?" and "Where can I find a summary of the books!?" clogging up the pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look all we're doing is typing drink on questions that have been asked before!. There is no need for a hundred "Team Edward or Team Jacob" questions!. If you really want to stop this drink thing, then the Twilight fans should just use the search bar before asking questions and stop asking questions that have been repeated so many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should just ignore them, i am a fan of twilight but let's get serious the questions do get a bit annoying!. That's what the search bar is for!. It just their way of saying that!. The "drink" thing gets annoying also, but how you're feeling annoyed because of it is how they are feeling from all the questions!.

There are a lot of people that do ask questions for real, but they get lost in all the Twilight questions!.

Let's all grow up a bit, and be reasonable!.

Twilighters: At least try to search for your question!.
"Drinkers": If you're going to "drink" then don't answer ALL of the Twilight questions you come upon!. Be mature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For those who write drink a million times without even answering the question, simply report them!. They're breaking community guidelines by not actually giving an answer!. They're just being immature, you know!? You shouldn't let it get to you!. Anybody who spends so much time writing "drink" a million times over all Twilight-related questions needs to get a life!. Seriously!. It's pathetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you guys weren't so obviously infuriated by it, I don't think it would have caught on so well!. You're perfectly within your rights to retaliate!.

EDIT: I agree with other answerers that you should at least give some kind of answer before *drink*ing!. It's against the guidelines otherwise, which is what we're protesting in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a twilighter go team Edward but annoying them wont help it will make things much worse and its not annoying its pathetic and they do it to get us to stop well they don't have to read or put up with the twilight stuff nobodys forcing them to read anything with a twilight related headline and if they think drink will help then let them they will realize there idiots and stopWww@QuestionHome@Com

The constant "drink drink drink drink" answers ARE annoying and childish, I'll give you that!. But I don't see what the problem is to answer the question in a way that doesn't violate the Community Guidelines and then just put *drink* at the end if the question has been overasked!. That's what I do, anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're really annoyed from it why would you give them another opportunity to write "Drink" again!? That's all you're going to get on this question!. I agree, but there's nothing you can do!.!. just ignore it they're being so immature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know anything about "Drink" or "Love Twilight" but don't let it bug you!. Some people are just joking around while others are just jerks who have no better time on their hands or even in their heads!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just report them!. Posting "drink" twenty billion times and not answering the question is, after all, spam!.



drink drinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ahh, it is for this very reason that other twi-haters like me drink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah im getting those too, all i wanted was my question answered :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

The whole *drink* thing is pretty pointless
It will die down eventuallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

?Love Twilight?



Am Both =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

im outting eat on all the non twilight question just to get even lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

i completley agree with you :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sticks and stones, love!.

Chilax, man!. We aren't trying to hurt anyone's feelings!. We're just having a bit of fun :)!. You don't need to get so upset!.

But now you guys know how we feel!. You are getting annoyed by us doing the drinking thing; and us anti-Twilighters get annoyed when you rabid fangirls repeatedly ask the same Twilight questions!. That's the entire point!. It's why we're doing this drinking thing-- we want to make a point!. We want to show you how annoying it is when people do the same thing over and over and over again!. If you guys want to stop the drinking game, stop asking the same old questions and learn to use the search bar!. Then we'll be happy, you'll be happy, we'll all be happy!. Good solution, eh!?

I agree that it's a little dumb when they say drink drink drink drink drink drink drink over and over and over again so that the post is like 4 inches long!. The game isn't supposed to be played that way; it's just supposed to be a simple *drink* at the end of the post!. I still usually answer the question-- I just put a "*drink*" in the source!. That's not breaking guidelines, as I gave an answer!. Go ahead and report those who just say "drink drink drink" over and over again!. But if we give an actual answer, and just put drink at the end, you can't rightfully report us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drinkWww@QuestionHome@Com