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Position:Home>Books & Authors> New short strory in the works how does it sound?

Question: New short strory in the works how does it sound!?
The title is "Winter Through a Blind Mans Eyes"!. It's of course about a blind man whos lived inside most of his life because he was afraid of the outside world!. He hasn't been outside sense his father died in accident!. Now one day he decides to conquer his fear and go outside during of course the season of winter!. He then begins to meet other people, and experience the wounders of winter!. Opinions, comments please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nice, though the only flaw is the title!.

The story would also be very cool in Third Person!.

and I have a suggestion for the title, if you don't mind:

Blind WintersWww@QuestionHome@Com