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Position:Home>Books & Authors> So i need to write a 1,000 word short story on anything, any advice?

Question: So i need to write a 1,000 word short story on anything, any advice!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As someone before me said, perhaps you could just write about your day; even something as simple as that can turn into a wonderful story!. Turn those you met/saw during your day into characters, and put interesting twists into it in order to make it a true story!.

Or, take something 'random' and make something out of it!. Perhaps you could look through a magazine and look for a picture that you think you can turn into a story!. Using picture prompts is common in such things as writing contests!. As an example, or perhaps as a beginning idea, here are some random pictures that I found, and maybe these can act as picture prompts for you:




Those are all honestly just random ideas!. You could simply look through a magazine or the newspaper, or even flip through channels on your TV, and find something that sparks your attention, and then turn that something into a story (including characters, plot, conflict, etc!.)!. Or, you could think of something that you know and enjoy, and give it an interesting twist in order to make a story out of it!. Since you can write your story on "anything," make it creative and fun!.!.!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write a story about your day!. Turn the people in your day into characters!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
