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Question: Anyone who likes Twilight!?!?!?
So I kinda accidentally terrorized someone elses question, but it gave me a good idea!.
I want to make an Icon or something to that effect on Twilightidous!.
The disease that avid Twilgiht readers are prone to catch!.

Here's what I have so far!.
You suddenly have the urge to write about vampires and/or werewolves!.
You keep expecting to see someone pale with red eyes on rainy days!.
When writing you find you accidentally name your characters Edward, Bella or Jacob!.
When you see someone tall shaky with anger you take a few steps back, just in case!.
You've started comparing guys you know to Edward and/or Jacob!.
You feel the need to read each and every book over and over!.
You check Stephenie Meyer's website at least once a day!.
You've watched every trailer, scene, interview, and a few to many video blogs on the Twilight movie!.
I want more that seem like they would be on one of those things you fill out at the docters office!.
A better name than Twilightidous would appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
*you think anyone with even light brown eyes is a vampire and obsessively stalk them around, trying to figure out who their next victim is!.
*you stay inside so your skin stays pale!.*every time you see a volvo you squeal!.

^ common behaviour I have noted!.

And how about Twilight Syndrome!? Or Twilight Epidemic!. Twilighitis was what I was calling it but there are too many Ts I find!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a few you can add to your list:
When it thunderstorms, you think the Cullens are playing baseball!.
Whenever one of your friends that haven't read Twilight makes a vampire reference with coffins, you yell at them saying that vampires don't sleep!.

lol!. I didn't make the first one up though!. I don't remember where I got that one!.
I'll edit if I think of any!.

OTD--Obsessive Twilight Disorder!. I've never heard of Twilightidous!.


You think any guy that ignores you and acts like he hates you is actually attempting to resist your blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're expectations for a guy are unbelievably high (as in you expect almost every guy on earth to be an edward cullen)

you annoy the living daylights out of other people on yahoo answers by repeating the same questions

your questions are usually grammatically incorrect when asked on yahoo answers also (ex!. ohmigawdz i luv eddie lots tem edward!!)

that's all i've got now
and how bout its called twilighitis insteadWww@QuestionHome@Com

OTD- Obsessive Twilight Disorder!.

That's why I have, I've never heard of Twilightidous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG! I totally have that disease! My expectations are high, and when I hear the name Edward, I automatically raise my head!!!!!!!! Breaking Dawn coming out IN TWO DAYS!!! wooo hooo!!!! So excited! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha!. Here's one:

You only drink red colored drinks and pretend you are drinking the blood of an animal!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I already have it!.

Oh no!

Its contagious!Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about Twilighties!? lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think I've been infected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love twilight!. im on team edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha ome i have that disease! :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no diseaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.i luv twilight 2 and am on team edwardWww@QuestionHome@Com

*Every time you hear the name "Edward" you scream like an excited schoolgirl!.
*You want to get cars like of the Cullens!.
*You put on gold contacts to copy the "vegetarian" vampire look!. Burgundy contacts if you don't like to be vegetarian!.
*You memorize lots of quotes from the Twilight series!.
*If anyone asks what your favorite book is, no hesitation, you'd answer Twilight series!
*You save money to buy shirts, pins, calendars, etc!.

Oh, and I agree, I like OTD (Obsessive Twilight Disorder)
and for fans of the Cullens, OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder)

Anyone can be a Twilight vampire, just like the Cullens, in just a few simple steps!.

1!. Apply a foundation a few shades lighter than your skin tone!. Your skin should be almost white, but without looking fake!.
2!. Apply a lavender eyeshadow under your eyes for under-eye bruise!.
3!. Put on gold contacts if you are a "vegetarian" vampire!. If you do not want to be vegetarian, put on burgundy contacts!. This step is optional!.
4!. Use the lavender eyeshadow on your lids!.
5!. Wear blood red lipstick for a dramatic effect!. For a simpler alternative, wear clear lip gloss or nude lipstick!.
6!. Know that darker clothing colors are preferred!. Wear something simple, like a dark t-shirt or tank top and jeans!. Or, you could go the Edward Cullen route and wear a cashmere sweater, jeans and nice shoes!.
7!. Dress more classic, as vampires have been around for a long time and seen trends come and go!.
8!. Don't go the fang route, as the Cullens do not have them (This is mentioned in Eclipse!.)
9!. Remember, Prom was the first time Bella saw Edward in black!.


* To make your hair like a vampire:middle part that is a bit ruffled is perfect!. For women, romantic waves or stick straight hair is perfect!.
* If you want, use the foundation to apply to parts of your skin, such as your neck!. You can also use baby powder!.
* Wear lighter colors!. It will mean you are less inconspicuous, as it means you pale skin tone will not clash as much with your clothes!.
* If you are going as a non-vegetarian vampire, have a person who will be a victim, or someone changing into a vampire (half-vampire, half-human)!.
* If going out in the sun, wear long sleeves or pants, and be sure to apply shimmer make up to any skin showing!.
* Black, silver, red and purple are commonly accepted as traditonal Vampiric attire, but Twilight vampires tend to stick to lighter tones in clothing, and wear plain (yet expensive) garments!.
* Research your history and be honest!.
* As any good artist knows, when you wear dark colors that makes your skin look lighter when you wear light colors it makes your skin look darker!. Dont wear white and still expect to look super pale unless you really DO look super pale
* Make sure your skin is clear!. Acne does NOT befit a vampire!.


* Do not wear fangs unless they are fake!.
* Do not attempt to bite anyone, or else you will probably end up in a padded cell for life!.

Things You'll Need

* Foundation lighter than your skin tone
* Lavender eyeshadow
* Gold or burgundy contacts (OPTIONAL)
* Blood red lipstick or nude lipstick/lip gloss
* Light clothes: Simple or fancy
* The books Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse By Stephenie Meyer (also get Midnight Sun and Breaking Dawn when they come out)
* Money
* glitter lotionWww@QuestionHome@Com

And your question is!?!?!? Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com