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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What would she think of style?

Question: What would she think of style!?
I'm a writer and I created a character, but I'm not so sure about other styles besides my own, so I need some help from the public!.

My character is named Ashelle Goran and is staring in my novel, "Tripping Over Silhouettes'!. She's basically a complicated werewolf species and she's very unique!. She has a slight temper when you catch her in a bad mood, but when she's not she's pretty mellow and nice!. She only has one best friend and one!.!.!. kind of friend!. This kind of friend is a guy that she doesn't like that much but is forced to work with in a professional manner although he doesn't want it to be just professtional, if you catch my drift!.

SO, what do you think her sense of style and likes would be toward the below topics:

Music --
Books --
Magazines --
Foods --
Drinks --
Animals --
Sports --
Social Issues --
Color --
Clothing --
Jewelry --
Games --
Websites --
TV Shows --
Movies --
Greatest Want --
Greatest Need --Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Music -- mellow rock, like jack johnson and james blunt
Books -- mystery
Magazines -- tabloids
Foods -- thai
Drinks -- dr!. pepper
Animals -- dog/ wolf
Sports -- im going to say shes pretty atheletic!. likes shes capable of being on sports teams, but she isnt very interested in joining one!.
Social Issues -- is she in highschool!? im going to assume that!. and if im wrong i suppose you could alter this to her environment: since she only has a couple friends im thinking that it takes a lot to gain her trust!. and some people think shes being stuck up and dont know how to communicate!.
Color -- green
Clothing -- once again im not sure of the setting, but im thinking casual!. highschool version: jeans and a t-shirt
Jewelry -- she has some necklace that she alwasy wears becuase someone special gave it to her!. i dontknow who!.
Games -- Risk
Websites -- some sort of email
TV Shows -- animal planet
Movies -- i think she'd like werewolf movies!. she'd probably think they're funny
Greatest Want -- this all depends on your story line!. like if she has no one to talk to about her problem, then id say her greatest want is someone to talk to!.
Greatest Need -- since needs are food, water, and shelter and im thinking she already has that!.!.!.nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Music -- maybe coldplay type!?
Books -- true love romance books
Magazines -- no fashion magazines
Foods -- sushi! jk um!.!.!. fast food chinese
Drinks -- soda!!
Animals -- dogs, cats, monkeys, most pets, and elephants
Sports -- volleyball and ping pong
Social Issues -- talks to much only 1 friend
Color -- orange, more uncommon colors
Clothing -- not fashion expensive clothes more t-shirt and jeans
Jewelry -- necklaces, a charm bracelet
Games -- like videogames!?
Websites -- youtube! jk!. um!. fansites!?!?
TV Shows -- lost or scrubs!? no childlike shows
Movies -- funny comedy movies
Greatest Want -- to not be a werewolf
Greatest Need -- more friends!?!?

I hope I helped! this is just my opinion on what i think Ashelle would be like! again, Hope I helped!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love styleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, I think that's up to you and your character, not us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She frankly sounds like someone who follows trends!. As I glean nothing all that original nor unique from the details you have provided (and I understand that these details are limited in this context), she comes across, frankly, as a stereotypical teenage girl who desperately wants to fit in regardless of the fact that she likely repeats almost like a mantra that she does not care what other people think!. She does!. She wants to be loved and accepted and respected and thought special and if she has to be exactly like everyone else to achieve that she will do it!. Likely she is filled with frustration about this sort of forced (and desired) conformity, usually kept at a low, yet still simmering, ebb (this would account for her bouts of rage)!. On Social Issues she is likely preachy-liberal; by this I mean not fully informed of the overall status of the issues, nor really familiar with a different side than the one she believes, but she believes that her ideas are absolute truth and that anyone who disagrees is not only wrong, but a complete imbecile!. As far as music, books, magazines, clothing, websites, tv, and movies, she no doubt attempts to be different by gearing herself towards materials she believes are somehow 'underground' or 'out-of-the-mainstream', and yet those materials she gravitates towards are frequently immensely popular and have followings across social spectrums of those among her age group!. Food, drink, sports and games are essentially open catergories (and not all that necessary, ultimately, to define her character unless you choose to make them important)--these are up to you!. Animals could be interesting (her being a werewolf), and is open to many opportunities that I would not presume to provide for you, as well as with the greatest desires and needs (although the fitting in, again, strikes me as transparently obvious)!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she'd be a punk/rocker chick!.
Music -- Anything in the rock genre!.
Books -- Eh!. idk!.
Magazines -- AP
Foods -- a Vegetarian werewolf!. =]
Drinks -- A green tea nut!.
Animals -- big cats!. (ironic eh!? She's quite dog-like but she loves the kittehs)
Sports -- Swim team!.
Social Issues -- Recycles!.
Color -- Red or purple!.
Clothing -- Very out there clothing!.
Jewelry -- A ring on her thumb that turns into a blonde band when she changes!.
Games -- Monopoly!. And clue!.
Websites -- Vampire Freaks (LOL) MySpace (of course)
TV Shows -- Hannah Montana!. =]
Movies -- Anything by Tim Burton
Greatest Want -- !?
Greatest Need -- !?Www@QuestionHome@Com