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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How would you rate Gerard Butler, Chad Michel Murry and Johnny Deep from 1 to 10

Question: How would you rate Gerard Butler, Chad Michel Murry and Johnny Deep from 1 to 10 each!?
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What do these guys have to do with books and authors!?


Chad Michel Murry (is that the guy from 1 tree hill!?) I say hes worth a 2!. Maybe a 3!.

Johnny Depp a definite 8!. No higher than a 8!.5 because hes just a tad to skinny!.

Gerard Butler!. Oh My Gosh!. Oh My Gosh!. a 12, no a 14 because he is just one fine specimen of the male species!. I loved him as Attila the Hun and then playing that Spartan King (I forget the name) in 300!. Oh My Gosh!. I wish I could just!.!.!. I wish I could do something to him that's for sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gerard (like acting!?) if it is-10 cause he was the phantom of the opera and that dude in 300

chad michael murry- idk dont rly see that many movies w!. him, but if i had to rate to save my life!?!?--maybe 6 or 7

and johnny depp--11 of course ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gerard Butler: 8 (he will always be the Phantom to me)
Chad Michael Murray: 7
Johnny Depp: 9

Wrong section, btw :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

GB-Don't know who that is!.
CMM- 7 cuz he's hot
and Johnny Depp!!! The Great Johnny!! WORSHIP!!!
I think you can guess!.!.!.!. 10000000000000000000000000000!Www@QuestionHome@Com

gerard gets an 8 because of his abs from 300 and he was adorable in p!.s!. i love you

chad gets a 6 cause hes gotten married too many times its making him old

and johnny gets a 10 cause hes johnny deppWww@QuestionHome@Com


this is not about books!.


GB: 9
JD: 3Www@QuestionHome@Com


gb-don't know who he is