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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where can i try publishing my quotes or poems? please read one i have here to sh

Question: Where can i try publishing my quotes or poems!? please read one i have here to show tell me what you think!!?
"Format my life into beautiful abyss!. Pains sorrows destructible turbulences corrupting the already pathetic excuse for a life!. a man in the vast mourns for a love once lost to the hostility of the darkness, as another man parades for the simplicity of his sorrowful end!. the oceans flood and take on the people!. they are consumed by its powerful prey and become one with the earth for the last time!. Man not knowith the behemouth he is until the end of days are near!. we can only prance about until the morning dusk sweeps upon us like a murderous plague and the lights and sounds we take for granite vanish into the vague stream of light yearning out in front of us!. the light seems to bright but the creatures of the earth want to know whats at the end!. others think its too bright and would rather lurk into the dark abyss of what was once earth!. we are now seperated and with the people who chose the path of most resistance!. we are what is left of a lesson once learned too late!. for now we lurk about this new found land and try to avoid the hostility and martyr that is to come while counting down the days we have left with the ones we loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Format my life (format is a technical term!. Maybe use arrange, or organize!.) into beautiful abyss!." The word abyss is a pit-fall word, meaning an empty hole, or the like!. Think of using something like it, but less deep!.
At this point I have no idea why you want this to happen!. It is a rather unclear introduction!.
"Man not knowith," Man knoweth not!.!.!.
The behemoth he is (,) until the end of days!.
I liked this, but I don't know why man knoweth this not till the end of days!.

After reading the entire thing, I am confused, befuddled, and just lost, more than I have been in a very long time!. This is way to abstract to be likable!. It doesn't run smoothly, and the meaning, to me, is totally indistinct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry!.com has contests all of the time!. I read poetry constantly!. I am sure if you enter you will make it! Your poem is real intense and kept me very interested all the way, although you kind of held back some!! Otherwise it was great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try "www!.poetry!.com" you may even win a prize!

Sounds good, as a suggestion format it like a poem before you submit anywhere

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com