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Question: Goodreads!? 10 points =]!?
Ive just recently joined http://www!.goodreads!.com and i was wondering is it possible for me to post a book which is not on the site!. Ive searched for the book and havn't found any results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that if the book is available elsewhere (such as Amazon), that you can add it!. On the search screen, to the right where Other Options is listed you can select manually add books or import books!. If you have some information about the book, then you can add the book!. However, make sure that you are spelling the author or title of the book you can't find properly!. I noticed that some books have been posted 18 months or so before they were even available, so it is likely that the book is in there somewhere, maybe under an alternate title!. I hope this helps some - I am just getting started at goodreads too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com