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Position:Home>Books & Authors> (for people on team jacob) what do u like about him???

Question: (for people on team jacob) what do u like about him!?!?!?
btw im on team edward but i wanna no whats so hot about jacob!?(no punn intended)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I am a bit in the middle between him and edward at the moment so I am not biased!.
I like Jake, because he has personality!. He is good looking, sweet, obviously loves Bella a lot!.
Plus Bella has a life with Jake, unlike with Edward!. Bella has no life out side Edward!. All she thinks about is him and spends nearly ever waking minute with him, and every sleeping minute and when she isn't with him she is thinking about being with him!.
Jake is cool cause she doesn't have to change anything to be with him and he will also keep her safe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jake has a personality!. he's funny!. he's not over protective!. he's not pale like he's dead!. he's loyal!.

there you go!. you asked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com