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Question: Where to publish short stories!?
does anyone know where i can publish short stories and where i can get them proof readWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have to tell you this but getting short stories published isn't going to make you rich, believe me!. You can sell them a couple of ways!. 1) E publishing 2) contests or 3) anthologies and magazines!. Or you can do what most of the kids around here do and just post them online free on sites like fan fiction sites!.

There are issues with all three ways!. E publishing is tough because you have to figure out a way to promote them otherwise nobody goes and buys them!. And you have to realize kids don't generally have credit cards and don't buy e books much!. The same thing goes with self publishing a story!. Kids don't pay for them!. Usually someone gets hold of a copy and "shares" and you make nada!. Nice huh!? Pass on it!.

Contests are good, if you can find legit ones!. Check with the usual sources Preditors and Editors and Absolute Write Water Cooler's Bewares and Background Forums!. Many are scams!. One I know to be legit is Glimmer Train, but they charge a 35 dollar entry fee and are interested in VERY highbrow literary type stories!. But their prizes are larger than most!. Writers Digest Magazine has some from time to time, too!. If it is a contest being run by a publisher be extra careful and check them out really thoroughly!.

Anthologies and magazines buy stories but they generally pay quite little!. The average is around 5 - 25 dollars per story!. You can find some sources in Writers Digest Magazine!. some in Writers Market and you can Google "anthologies accepting stories"!. Look for magazines and anthologies in your genre!. An anthology is a collection of stories generally about one single subject - vampires, baseball, cats, etc!. Chicken Soup books are also examples of anthologies you can try for!.

There is one author who posts here quite frequently who is very successful at anthology writing!. He has been doing it for years!. He doesn't make much money, but it has earned him a very good name in publishing!. I publish an anthology story now and then myself!. There is an anthology out now with two of my stories in it and one of his!. It has a connection to a National Best Selling author mentioned here frequently, so it should sell quite well!. Short stories in anthologies will help you build a reputation in the publishing business!.

Just check anyone out before sending!. Watch your contracts and make sure you understand what rights you are selling!. The contract should say specifically!. Otherwise you can give away a story and never be able to use it again!. If you are under 18, someone will have to sign for you!.

Do NOT copyright first!. That should be done for you in the contract!. Right now your best contract is just NOT sharing material you don't want to see plagiarized with anyone you don't know!. Once it is posted online, your chances of selling it are zero because publishers don't want previously posted material!. Too much of it is stolen!.

Hope that helps!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

put them on storywrite!.com
you could put your stories on there!.
then you could check spelling!.
then people will comment and tell you what they think and give you tips!.