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Question: Favorite ancient Roman or Greek literature/history!?
Just wondering if there are any classics fans here!. I'm partial to Virgil for poetry and Suetonius for history!. What about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've only read The Twelve Caesars by Seutonius!. I thought it was a fascinating account!.

I agree about Homer!. I read both The Iliad and The Odyssey years ago and enjoyed them!.

Unfortunately, though I've read some other works, I'm not as well-read as I should be where the ancient Greeks and Romans are concerned!. I haven't even gotten around to reading Plato's Republic, though I have a copy!.

I suppose I better get on the stick!

***Edit: I didn't know that about Seutonius!. It's amazing and a shame how much is left out of public education!. Most of the reading of the greats I've done has been apart from school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Im trying to finish Iliad for 5th year now!. Havent got further than 40 pages!. Though I really enjoyed Aeneid by Virgil!. Ancient greek myths are my favourite!. The favourite of all favourites of ancient Roman/Greek would be Oedipus the King by Sophocles!.

I have a copy of Plato's Republic, but it is in English and it kind of scares me as I am not a native English speaker!. But I started reading more and more books in English, like Twilight [that was a piece of cake from the point of view of language], Anna Karenina, Nietzsche, Poe, just started Harry Potter, and Im moving to England in September, therefore I hope I'll finish it by December :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Homer!. He's like Shakespeare in that all shades of humanity are presented!. All mortals, even Polyphemus, are treated with a certain sympathy and understanding!. Whoever thought that battle-frenzied Achilles could be an object for compassion! I also like the way he treats women, and Penelope in particular!. When Odysseus came home, and his old dog Argus died as though he had willed himself to live until his master returned, oh, I tear up just thinking about it!.

Homer's one heck of a storyteller!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

liked Plato's Republic, loved The Iliad,liked Soppho's poetry-what few poems I read of her'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

