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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm Writing a book, and I don't know what to call it. Can you give me so

Question: I'm Writing a book, and I don't know what to call it!. Can you give me some ideas!?
I'm writing a book about a girl that is one of the lone survivors when Shadow Travelers take over the world(sorry, that's the best way to explain it) There's this other group of 'survivors' but they're atcually a group called the Order!. they were made part of the Shadow Travelers, but they comitted mutinay(You know, went against the leader or whatever) The leaders of both groups are trying to find the girl because the ST captured a girl who told them a prophacy about a person who "would restore everything that was lost!.!.!."

I know it sounds really bad but it's done, and all I need is a title!. It/s like almost a thousand pages, but I still don't have a title!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, think about if there's a reoccuring theme throughout the story or at least a symbol!? Try thinking about previous english assignments; when you disect the novel and you usually are able to come up with why that title completely suits the story!.

Fitzgerald wasn't happy with the title "The Great Gatsby" but in the end, it turned out to be a really great title explaining how the book revolved around him and how everyone considered Gatsby so "great!."

Perhaps there's something that you really want your readers to pay attention to, near the climax of the novel that people will automatically refer to the title and pay close attention!. One example is "Silence of the Lambs" (yeah, it's a movie, but same thing pretty much!.) When Hannabel Lector talked to Clariece in the room and he tried to uncover her past, she admitted to him about how she ran away from her family's ranch because she heard the lambs screaming!. His last words in that scene were, "Tell me when the lambs stop screaming!." Not only is it eerie and shows it's an important part of the plot, but also is foreshadowing!.

But, wanting to answer your question, I might suggest "Plotting in the Twilight" or "Redemption," or something like, "The Phoenix Girl" since she's suppose to restore the earth, or perhaps allow it to be reborn!? It's really hard to think of a title only knowing a tiny bit of it!.

Good luck in thinking of a title! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, sounds really interesting! I would read it!

How about 'The Search for____(put main character's name here)___'!? Or maybe 'Survivors' or 'Shadow Travelers'!.

I would suggest using something said in your book that really sums everything up, like the topic!. That's how Gone With the Wind's title was created, it is in the book!. And Saving Private Ryan, the title was said by one of the main characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well maybe something like, The Prophecy, but in my opinion that kind of gives it away!.
Or maybe 'Running from Shadows'
Darkness in the World
or something, I'm quite bad at inventing titles for things I didn't write!.!.!. I hope it helps, just try not to put anything that will give it away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Surviving the World of Shadows" or something like that!. Maybe just "World of Shadows!." Or you could use whatever year it's supposed to be when the book begins (or ends)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Shadow Travelers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shadow ResurrectionWww@QuestionHome@Com