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Question: Why does Bella move to Forks in Twilight!?
well I know everyone's so annoyed about all these crazy Twilight questions, but!.!.!.!. I'm rereading Twilight and I don't get why she moves to forks in the first place, because she's all crying and stuff and upset about moving even though she doesn't have to!. I think she says it's because her mom remarried and her stepdad moves a lot, and she was staying with her mom but her mom was unhappy and she wanted to leave her mom and her new husband alone--but if her stepdad isn't even there most of the time why would she leave her mom alone!? Especially when her mom clearly doesn't want her to move!?

Or is Bella just being an airhead dramaqueen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is the "official" explanation: bella swan's single mom, renee, just married a guy named phil!. phil moves around a lot since he plays minor league ball!. renee really wishes she could travel with him, only she has to stay at home with bella (you know, school, she's still seventeen, etc)!. anyways, so bella starts feeling guilty and decides to play martyr!. shes like, "oh, i'll move to forks with dad and be miserable but you'll be happy!." so she gets to forks and whines about it constantly!.

i agree!. she is an airhead drama queen!. i think that explanation is crap -- most people would be like, "what!? i hate that place! no way i'm going!." stephenie meyer just needed a reason for her "heroine" aka whiny narrator to move to forks and become popular!. i think she just made one up without considering if it makes any sense whatsoever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahahahaa, Okay, Well Renee (Bella's Mom) gets a news boyfriend Phil, right!? And he is a baseball player and is staying all over, and Renee wants to travel with Phil, but Bella doesn't!. But Bella wants to see her mom happy, of course! So she moves to Forks, for what she thought was going to be temporary while Phil got signed!. But she likes Forks and stays! Get it!? So, no, she didn't have to move but she wanted to, too make her mom happy! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

She lest because she felt like she was making her mom choose between her and Phil!. When Phil left, usually Renee stayed with Bella, but a part of her longed to be with her husband and Bella saw that, so she decided to make life somewhat easier for her and go to live with her father in rainy Forks!.
also, if she hadn't, there would be no story =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because she got sick of being alone cause her mother would always follow Phil and leave Bella to herself so she moved with her Dad so she would be less lonely and her Mom didn't want her to go cause she liked seeing Bella when she eventually got home and she didn't want what happened to her in forks happen to BellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Phil travels a lot and Her mom doestn like to be away from him, it make her happy but she doent say anything, and Bella can see that so she goes to forks to live with her dad so her mom can be with her husband!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She didn't like moving around, and didn't want her mom to have to stay with her in Phoenix, and she didn't want to travel all the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That way her mom can travel with Phil, her new step-dad!.

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She wanted to see her dad and last but not least she wanted her mom to have a good time with phil - just the two of them! You idiot, go read the book again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if Bella wasn't there, her mom could travel with Phil, Bella had to go to school, and her mom needed to stay with herWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well duh she moves to forks to stay with her dad and i actually like all of the questions its not crazyWww@QuestionHome@Com

She left because shes an airhead dramaqueenWww@QuestionHome@Com

She left so her mom could travel with her step-dad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she wants her mom to be able to go with phil when he travels, cause he's a baseball playerWww@QuestionHome@Com

No, Bella's not an airheaded drama queen! I think what others fail to read is that Bella was willing to sacrifice herself a little unlike Renee ever did throughout Bella's childhood!. I think that Bella felt that she owed it to Charlie to try out Forks, knowing how he had been alone for so many years!. And, Renee's remarriage to Phil was her excuse to move away!. Being that she's seventeen and having never been away from her mother for more than a month, Bella's reaction to Forks seemed normal!. Plus, I think that the assumption that she was pretty emotionally sensitive was apparent from the start!.

I guess that a reader's age may have something to with how you might interpret the characters in the Twilight series!. I have read them alongside my 15 year old daughter and love the antiquated romantic notion that self sacrifice for true love is beautiful!. I love the fact that Edward holds old fashioned standards (perhaps more to do with his thirst) with Bella!. I know that most young adult readers have found him to be controlling, pig headed and unreasonable!. But, personally I swoon for that kind of stuff!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Short version!? If she hadn't gone, there would be no story!.

I didn't find Bella's move to Forks believable, either!.

*She was 17, and had maybe another year left at home before going off to college; it wasn't like she was always going to be there, getting between her mom and her new husband!. And obviously Renee's new hubby didn't care, because he dated and married Renee in the first place, even with Bella around!. It's not like he just showed up out of the blue one day!.

*Bella is quiet, introverted, has no friends or social life in Phoenix that we know of, and has always taken responsibilty for her airhead mother (until the new hubby came along)!. She can cook and keep house and handle the grocery shopping--she starts doing those things for Charlie right away!. So why can't she just stay home by herself during those times when Renee is on the road with whatshisname hubby!? She's 17--it's not like she needs someone to watch her all the time!. And she has no friends, so it's not like she's going to throw wild parties and have orgies!.

*She HATED Forks!. HATED it!. And I didn't see that there was anything so bad or uncomfortable about her life in Phoenix that warranted going into self-imposed exile!. Even her parents were like, "Uhhh, Bells!? You *sure* you want to do this!? You don't have to," and she did it anyway!.

So yeah, Bella's being an airhead drama queen, and Smeyer is showing that using logic is not one of her strong points as a writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com