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Question: Possible Twilight Spoiler!?
I just read the first 7 chapters of the book and I just have to ask WTF was Meyer thinking!?
Not only is Edward a sparkly vegetarian vampire but he's an effing incubus too!?

It's like she just found a bunch of myths she liked and squished them together! Argh!

I am upset!. I know I said the spoilers were probably true but that's not fair! I didn't want to believe it but not I have the stupid proof!. She is an evil evil woman and it's like bad fanfiction! Horrible self-insertion fanfiction!

How come she gets to be published when there are better authors (and they are NOT pulling stories out of their butts) just waiting for a chance!?!?

This better be some elaborate hoax!. I'm still going to buy the book, just in case it is!. And if it's not, I'm burning it!.

You're all invited to my Breaking Dawn bonfire!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your rant is a touch on the confusing side!.!.!.!.did you read the first 7 chapters of Breaking Dawn or Twilight!? You said you meant Breaking Dawn but than you said you're still going to buy the book!. I'm not trying to be rude here, I'm just slightly confused as you which book you are upset with!.

EDIT** So I have a question for you then!.!.!.!.where did you find the 7 chapters, because I'm pretty curious myself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha! So true!

I'll come to the bonfire!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like I said Carnivorous fairies!.

I will bring the Hot Dogs and marshmallows! 8DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Can I add you to my contacts!? I think you're hilarious and 100% right!

(btw I'd really like to read a little bit!. Where'd you find it online!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol awsome i'll go to the bonfire!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com