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Question: What is the Setting of Fahrenheit 451!?
Like, what country, and about what time period!?
Please and thank you! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's set in the future -- I don't believe any specific town/city or date is ever given -- that's the whole point, that what happens in the book could happen anytime, anywhere!.

The person who answered Germany has probably seen the original film in which the schoolchildren are all blonde and blue eyed, meant to call to mind Hitler's theory of Aryan dominance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only a dystopian city is mentioned as a locale in this book, and a river and country somewhere nearby!. The time is in the future!.
The movie director Frank Darabant, hired to film this (perhaps) sometime in '08, will place the movie in an "intentionally nebulous" future!.

*I can tell you that Bradbury wrote this book, the only one he says is not sci-fi (that it is 'too real'), on a typewriter in a basement at UCLA, the university in California in Los Angeles!. He wrote it 'during the early years of the Cold War,' which would be around the mid-nineteen fifties to the early sixties!.

ADD: I think the setting in which he wrote the book influences the book's setting!. The city could well be Los Angeles, or any of its many suburban cities!. The river is a man-made one there, but it exists(ed), as do (did) pockets of country, particularly in the fifties and early sixties!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's science fiction so the author does not have to tell us that!.
!.!.!. we do not know but for sure, it's US since they are going to St!. Louis!.!.!.!. that's in Missouri so!.!.!.
I hope this helped!.
It is possible that it is set in the futureWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure what country my 8th grade english teacher thought germany but I honestly dont know!.
It was written quite a while ago but it was supposed to be set YEARS in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com