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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is your top "book" recommendation in the area of spiritual leader

Question: What is your top "book" recommendation in the area of spiritual leadership development!?
Is there a book published in the last 5 years you want to recommend!? How does your recommendation stand up against Maximum Service From A-Z published by IMD PRESS at http://www!.imdpress!.com!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well some books that I have found helpful in spiritual leadership area would be:
-Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits & Attitudes #4 (Volume 4) by Dr!. Tim Elmore
You can purchase any volume, they are all great! My pastor read one of these books to us at a church camp, it was for being a leader with God and it really changed my point of view on things and it was amazing!

Another book that is about someone leading in a spirtual way, not so much as how to lead but it really is a great book too, is:
-Mission Possible by: Marilyn Laszlo and Luci Tumas

My first recommendation stands up to Maximum Service From A-Z published by it being similar but it is basically about other people's stories and I highly recommend it!

I wish you the Best of Luck!!!!!!:)Www@QuestionHome@Com