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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are all the rumors/spoilers for breaking dawn?

Question: What are all the rumors/spoilers for breaking dawn!?
ok!. i was looking up carlisle's quote last night and people kept saying that it was about bella having a baby named nessi!? what is that all about!? and jacob imprinting on her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ummm, you guys!? Doesn't anyone have brains around here!? Do you know who Nessie is!? You know the whole lochness monster hoax!.!.!. The people who made up this hoax named Edward and Bella's kid Nessie after Nessie the lochness monster!.!.!. They are probably all sitting somewhere laughing their heads off at how many people they have pissed off!.!.!. Think about it, if Bella and Edward had a kid, it would be named Renee or Charlie or Anthony or Elizabeth or one of any hundreds of names that have to do with the book!. Not Nessie, the loch ness monster!. I give them credit, its a pretty good idea, but its just mean as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So, the book was leaked from a store in Texas!. They posted a picture of the cover and first page to prove that they had it!. They then posted a video saying that they had read it, and then said "what happened"!.

Now I'm letting you know that I don't believe them at all!.

They said that edward and Bella have a baby and named it Nessi, and that Jacob imprinted on Nessi!.

I don't believe that at all!.

The one spoiler that is true is the one Meyer released!. On EW she said that Edward and Bella do get married, in the beginning of the book!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just wait 2 more days!.
For it to come out, then read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
